What is the most daring and adventurous thing you have ever done, apart from swinging?
Mine has to be static line parachute jumps. I must say I have a fear of flying so was quite happy to go up in a plane knowing I would be jumping out at 2000ft.
But when those engines cut I realise I had left my stomach and all my thought processes on the ground, the fear I felt. I jumped and counted and was so happy to look up and see the parachute open, the freedom I felt then was amazing, just floating down chute fluttering in the breeze was just Awesome!!!!
I really felt I achieved something.
What have you done?
mine would b posing for pics in a bbw mag a fair few years back was incredibly nerve wracking yet incredibly exciting at the same time :rascal:
Shit Flower, that was hairy :shock:
My neighbours once got into a similar situation in NY when a lorry drove into their car and drove away. They called the lorry company & got quite pushy, and were told to take it to a specific garage where it would be repaired as a goodwill gesture. Taking a mate along for backup, they turned up at the garage only to be told to leave the car & collect it the next day. No paperwork, they were just expected to trust them.
Things were becoming "sticky" when one of the guys from the garage saw my neighbours surname- (they're both academic Dr's and kept their own names.)
He took her to one side, and said "Ms ******, that's a good Italian name. Where you from?" To which she replied that her background was Sicilian.
He said "So, if I told you this place, and the lorry company was owned by the ******* family, would you get these guys the hell outta here?"
She bustled them out, and when they were a long way out of there informed them that they'd just been getting shirty with one of the most notorious Mafia families in New York! :shock:
The car?
Returned next day- better than it went in, and with a valet thrown in :!:
I inhaled. It is a habit I have not broken. I inhale more than 120 times an hour. Mostly more than that. That first lung full of air has lunched me a dream of an adventure. One day I may awaken, but for the moment, in, out, in , out....
The Kielder Challenge.
It was the most amazing/exhausting/challenging/emotional thing I've ever done :shock:
1. giving my teenage son driving lessons
2. going to eureka xmas party dressed as a pink fairy
3. watching a bloody big lion eating a zebra from about 10 feet away in the massai mara
all terryfiying, and i hate the sight of blood (all3)
I decided that I would cycle alone through Malaysia and Thailand. I had some very hairy moments, having to just throw up a mosquito net and sleep wherever. I also had a policeman try to assault me...very, very scary...but I guess to be expected as a western female cycling in the middle of nowhere. That sounds a bit negative....although the trip took me to physical extremes I could never have imagined and pushed me to my mental limits, it was the best/most exciting and rewarding thing I've ever achieved!!
anyone fancy organising a rock-climbing and base-jumping social?
Whilst serving in HM forces, on being informed that we had to go on week-end excercise at short notice, wrote a letter to my CO informing him that I had made prior arrangements (with GF) and would have to decline his gracious RPYC, but assured him I would be back on duty at 0800 hrs. on Monday. Got 7 days detention for my devotion to Queen and Country!! (I was a little immature at the time.....)