Oh it takes years of practise but I have it down to a fine art - now I can do it without even thinking, that's talent that is.
I need a hug. Post-operative depression is setting in and to make it all worse I got an email from a UK consultant who I had hopes of following me up on my return who says he does not do NHS work on people who have gone private elsewhere. In other words he wants a piece of the pie, too! Why are doctors such s.o.b's?
I pray you never get to need a doctor and cannot afford him. That's all.
What I need right now ......
For the monthly curse to bugger off as I'm as horny as fluck and no penetration just aint cutting the mustard (so to speak).
Failing that a massage and a hug :mrgreen:
must be something in the air H? Kiss_me's trying to 'convert' you. i'm trying to 'convert' Kiss_me, Blokes trying to 'convert' me...
and RPM's trying to 'convert' himself into a bucket of something for Sassy :giggle:
I need more coffee, more sleep, more sex and a lottery win.
but most of all I need to see my son who lives abroad and I've not seen him in almost a year and I miss him :cry: