Hello everyone. Having surveryed this site for a couple of weeks I took the plunge and joined and posed an ad on here (265829). However, the ad hasn't seemed to bear any fruits yet (I am not looking for a fruitcake btw!!) so was looking for some advice and what to put into an ad and also, probably more importantly, what not to put into an ad? Your comments would be most welcome. In the meantime, happy hunting to you all.
well my add has now really become a way of telling people what i look like in the chatroom (and yes there are some that havn't meet me!).
the photo add section is very much catch 22.
single males moan that they never get any replys to there add, and single females moan that they get too many replys!.
your best bet is to stick around the chatroom or the forum. people can get a better understanding of you, plus its gives you the starting blocks of getting to meet people.
and for me, the best thing i ever did was get to a munch. it took me about 4 months to pluck up the courage. but my life has changed since going to them!. they are a really good night out, and full of VERY fun, laid back and caring people.