Sorry if this has been done before but I didnt fancy ploughing through 176 pages :shock:
Well not just good in bed, but wherever the fancy takes you :P
Any little tips or tricks that rocks a guys boat?
Quote by Ice Pie
Any little tips or tricks that rocks a guys boat?
Quote by Vix
Any little tips or tricks that rocks a guys boat?
Quote by tripod
i think its best when a ladys in bed and just lets herself go and thinks f**k it im going to let my self go and enjoy this and get more out of this then my man and tell him what you want because sex is a two way thing
Quote by OneoftheDamned4ever
Hello its me again, found this and thought I would comment on it
For me all women are sexy in their own unique way and the women I have met have all brought their own unique styles of what they enjoy, what they are comfortable with, as I am sure they probably thought the same of me we are all different but for me I like a woman to be comfortable with herself and able to enjoy I talk to her and I also listen to her and ladies don't hold back, apparently there are ladies out there that hold back their emotions when they orgasm because (and this is upsets me so much) there previous partners have told them to be quiet ....... can you believe that? Well I can't, I want to hear a woman cum, I want to see her cum, I want to know that the lady I am with was able to let go just for a moment and trust me, open herself up to me, and enjoy the sensual moment that her and I have together. Communication is important but it goes hand in hand with so many other moments, (if I can use that word). I know that some of you just "shag" but that is not my style I want to get to know the lady to try and understand her but most importantly I want her to know that I will listen to her and not treat her like a piece of meat, which is how some ladies want it as they find it a turn on. That is their choice its not what I am comfortable with, I guess that the most important thing and back we go to the question "what makes a woman good in bed" I really cant answer it here as all woman are unique but do try to talk to these ladies if you can connect via your souls (yes I know getting romantic) but its true if you can connect via your souls you will have great love making sex what ever takes your mood. So people just talk, listen, trust and enjoy each other and the moment.
See you all later bye for now
Quote by xxdevil69
I also like it when a woman tells you what she wants doing, where she wants touching etc.... (suppose that goes with the confidence)
Quote by Steve_Lincs
Its a mixture of everything really,impossible to pin point.
Clare is amazing and i think that comes from knowing everything about each other :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by fruity1976
Its a mixture of everything really,impossible to pin point.
Clare is amazing and i think that comes from knowing everything about each other :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: