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What makes your blood boil?

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Oh.. mobile phones in general but particularly those idiots who think that you have to shout in order to use one.
People who share their intimate details with everyone around them when on their mobile.
Potty mouthed morons who do all of the above but use regular expletives and foul language on their phones in public and don't give a damn if there are young kids or families about.
Quote by foxylady2209
Apostrophe abuse!!!!!!!

But exclamation marks are exempt lol
Quote by TheLovelyOne
I know my answer should be poverty, war, injustice etc, but actually it's the misspelling of definitely and apostrophe abuse!

Quote by foxylady2209
Apostrophe abuse!!!!!!!

copy cat's
Income tax .. council tax..road tax.. fuel licence tax..vat tax..airport tax..
need i go on ?
two faced people who pretend to be nice, all the while laughing about you and slagging you off to they think they wont get found out?!?! dunno
Quote by Thebonediggers
two faced people who pretend to be nice, all the while laughing about you and slagging you off to they think they wont get found out?!?! dunno

yup, we all know those type of people sadly hun :therethere:
We try to use the cruise control on the car and set it to the speed limit when safe. When on the motorway in particular set at 70, we hate prats who pass us at 72 to 75 mph cut in tight and them throttle back to about 69mph.
Secondly old/young men who keep their hats on in pubs, restaurants etc.
Not much actually.
For a girl with meditteranean blood, I think Im pretty chilled out.
I suppose the one thing I would say makes me cross is disloyalty - but then, Im a control freak.
Today, people claiming to be 'patriotic' but pronouncing it like North Americans. Perhaps they also value their pr-eye-vacy as they have busy sKedules. Grrr.
Right.. back to social injustice...
Middle lane drivers, lorry drivers pulling out and not looking, bikes going through red lights, bikes with no lights, bad manners, the phrase, 'can I lend that off you',snobby people that look down on others, litter droppers, badly behaved children with parents saying, 'don't do that darling, let's talk about your behaviour',people that want to sue anything and everything, rain on a 'hot' holiday, people that honk you to move when the lights have barely touched amber, spitting, dog mess on the pavement, gum chewing with the added 'smack' noises as they chew with thier mouth open as wide as possible, eating in general with open mouth, scraping teeth along the fork as each mouthful is being eaten, health and safety, people thinking that you want to hear every little detail of how they gave birth AND FINALLY...
people that have nothing better to do than rant and rave in pointless emails................oh bugger!
I do feel better though! lol xx
And for those of you that hate bad spelling, I would just like to change a word in the last message. Their NOT thier. Sorry. biggrin
Other peoples I-pods with Apple's earphones when I'm riding on the tube. The cheap earphones that have four holes in each side specifically designed by Apple to let the sound out and annoy every one around them!
The gormless looks people give you when you tell them to turn it down - and then they don't.
Eating on public transport. Some woman had her entire days food intake within 20 minutes on the tube the other day.
Greggs Bakery - anyone getting on a Bus or Tube with a Greggs Bakery bag is bad news (it always stinks).