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What scares you?

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17 watchers
What really scares you???????
What is it that gives you that chill running over your skin.......that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up?
The thing that scares you so much your heart races with terror...... and your blood runs cold?
The thing that you will avoid at all costs.....?????????
Is it a fear of the unknown?????? or a present fear that you face daily????????
Last night one of my biggest fears came racing over the carpet in the drawing room...... the most enormous, hairy legged, monstrous, kick arse spider...... !!!!!!!
I swear that the whole village could hear me screaming.... even the cat took one look at this arachnid monster and fled... i was left alone with...... the spider from hell....... i ran out of the room and by the time i came back..... it had gone.... it is now loose in the house somewhere.........
I have put a large book by the chair so that if it returns from wherever it is hiding, and the cat doesn't get it first.... i can drop the book on it... as long as it stays still... if it starts to move.......................................
I shall make a very fast exit........ and leave it until the next time.....
It is at least the size of my hand..... and it looks very evil and threatening.... and it now lives in the house !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
equi-princess xxx
i am with you on the hairy 8 legged moster variety...
heights are pretty bad too
but im really freaked out by really really deep water.. actually being in the sea and there being so much underneath me that i cant see..just that vastness underwater!
I think it must be a throwback from watching Jaws as a kid.. when they are swimming happily but all the while a shark is on the prowl underneath.
Don't think you'll get Debbiewebs just by dropping a book on her! lol
Quote by westerross
Don't think you'll get Debbiewebs just by dropping a book on her! lol

But seriously..... you don't think that if dropping a book onto it will kill it??????? Omg what if i remove the book and its still alive and moving??????????????????
I'm sitting at the laptop at the moment... and even thinking about the spider makes my skin go chilly........
equi-princess xxx
Quote by equi-princess
I have put a large book by the chair so that if it returns from wherever it is hiding, and the cat doesn't get it first.... i can drop the book on it... as long as it stays still... if it starts to move.......................................

ive even trapped them underneath a pan (it was the only thing handy) and despite being flat to the ground all the way round.. it was gone the next morning.
Did you know that an adult swallows about 8 spiders during sleep throughout the course of our lives? Thought id share that with you just in case you didnt. lol
I may be scared too but im a glutton for punishment.
What scares you... what would you aviod at all costs.....
A Colostomy Bag! :shock:
On Tuesday I was rummaging through the shed, looking for various gardening implements(yeah, boring I know lol ), when I felt something jump against my leg. This in turn made me jump, literally, causing the little creature to jump at me once again, the result being that I followed suit and jumped yet again.
'This is stupid' I thought, 'one of us has got to stop'
Fortunately he must have thought the same thing and stopped jumping about, and so did I :lol:
Then I saw him, a small, but very lively frog.
Once I saw what it was I was I guess my phobia or fear, or whatever.........
must be........................................
'The Unknown' :lol: :lol:
Quote by westerross
Don't think you'll get Debbiewebs just by dropping a book on her! lol

Question really is :-
What is Debbiewebs doing crawling across Eqi-princess' floor!! :lol: :shock:
Quote by equi-princess
I shall make a very fast exit........ and leave it until the next time.....

All you have to do is give me a call and I will come racing to the aid of the fair damsel in distress.
I will be your knight in shining armour

(And I won't even expect a kiss in return because hell won't have frozen over lol )
xx xx
Not keen on spiders, I have cats to deal with them - though they're even scared of the really big ones.
Not keen on snakes, went to Blackpool a few years ago and all along the front is people wanting to take pictures of you with a fucking snake. No chance. Not keen on deep water either, possibly due to seeing a friend drown when I was a kid.
Finally, bank statements. Just where the fuck does it all go?
I have something of an extremely stupid phobia. Its not that I dont like heights, I dont have so much of a problem with that, the problem is that when I stand on the edge of something very high, i suddenly think 'Wow, the freefall if I jumped would be amazing!!' at this point I have to move back from the edge cause I dont trust myself not to jump.
Stupid aint it
Oh, and i also dont like spiders but can generally control that to dispose of them.
clowns :shock:
OMG i fooking hate clowns, why oh why do they use them as a form of childrens entertainment they are evil little fookers, look at the likes of bank robers etc how many of them use clowns masks to hand their face? and John Wayne Gacey what did he do in his spare time.....he was a bloody clown for kids in hospital, need i go on :uhoh: i don't know what it is about then i just find them very unnearving.
And water, i'm ok if its shallow but once its deeper than i am tall i panic, i can swim but not very good due to my fear of water really i suppose, it kept me from learning, when i was very young my mum decided the best way to teach me to swim was to thro me in the water and i had to be dragged out half drown by a stranger and it still haunts me to this day. And b4 you ask yes my mother is a dim wit rolleyes
Quote by fluffer
i am with you on the hairy 8 legged moster variety...
heights are pretty bad too
but im really freaked out by really really deep water.. actually being in the sea and there being so much underneath me that i cant see..just that vastness underwater!
I think it must be a throwback from watching Jaws as a kid.. when they are swimming happily but all the while a shark is on the prowl underneath.

come scuba diving with me fluff, i promise to hold your hand lol
hmmmm, scary things...........
that vampire in Salem's Lot :scared:
daleks....... including Davros :scared: :scared: when i was a kid....honest
Freddy Krueger :scared:
that bloke in Hallowe'en :scared:
Jason :scared:
anyone in a Scream mask :scared:
clowns..... you're right there NN
omg........... they're not funny, never funny, always scary :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:
ventriloquist's dummies that start talking on their own, and wooden African dolls that come alive and start chasing you around the house with a carving knife :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:
oh, and debbiewebs wink
WASPS! Hated them since i was about seven years old... My friends and family will attest to the fact that they seek me out. Their heads are about ten times bigger than their bodies and the antenna and eyes always look directly at me!
I can remember being in Austria one summer, years ago... now the wasps there are the size of flamin' spitfire aeroplanes. As I was being accosted by a frickin' enormous wasp in the middle of a cafe this kind Austrian gentleman came to my aid and caused the wasp to cast of its mortal coil.
Now I do not speak german at all but aided by fright, adrenaline, whatever I suddenly exclaimed in fluent german... "Die Wespe, ist es tot bitte?" My then husband's head swivelled on his shoulder to look at me in amazement at my words and accent... weird innit wot fright'll do...
Haben Sie einen schönen Tag! ;-)
frogs n snakes .....................ewwwwwwwww :shock:
I hate flying bloody scares me rigid sad
Quote by seagull69
I hate flying bloody scares me rigid sad

hmmm... seagull hates flying....kind of ironic :grin:
Quote by johneboy
I hate flying bloody scares me rigid sad

hmmm... seagull hates flying....kind of ironic :grin:
Very true much prefer to dive bomb people and steal their chips lol
Quote by seagull69
I hate flying bloody scares me rigid sad

hmmm... seagull hates flying....kind of ironic :grin:
Very true much prefer to dive bomb people and steal their chips lol
keep yer dinner off my damn car, i've just washed it!
Eary-wigs!! Eeek!!! mad
Forget Freddie Krueger or Pinhead, it has to be the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! I've never been more scared of anything in my life and still when I watch that film years later, I get mildly anxious.
Quote by Foghorn
Eary-wigs!! Eeek!!! mad

i know what you mean :scared:
Quote by Ianito
Forget Freddie Krueger or Pinhead, it has to be the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! I've never been more scared of anything in my life and still when I watch that film years later, I get mildly anxious.

I am still terrified of the childcatcher!..........I always fast forward that bit when he is trying to entice the children out with his lollipops... :scared: .....(when my kids are watching it of course!
Mrs C..xx
Quote by Mr_and_Mrs_Cov
Forget Freddie Krueger or Pinhead, it has to be the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! I've never been more scared of anything in my life and still when I watch that film years later, I get mildly anxious.

I am still terrified of the childcatcher!..........I always fast forward that bit when he is trying to entice the children out with his lollipops... :scared: .....(when my kids are watching it of course!
Mrs C..xx
didn't he meet a sticky end though dunno
Quote by johneboy
Forget Freddie Krueger or Pinhead, it has to be the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! I've never been more scared of anything in my life and still when I watch that film years later, I get mildly anxious.

I am still terrified of the childcatcher!..........I always fast forward that bit when he is trying to entice the children out with his lollipops... :scared: .....(when my kids are watching it of course!
Mrs C..xx
didn't he meet a sticky end though dunno

lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by johneboy
I hate flying bloody scares me rigid sad

hmmm... seagull hates flying....kind of ironic :grin:
Im afraid of heights to a degree Im ok if I know Im safe i.e on a flat roof or somthing similar were I dont feel like Im going to fall off easily then Im fine but put me on a sloped roof then I start to feel different and thats when the height thing kicks in,
So anyway last year I went on a plane for the very first time so as you can imagein I start to feel anxious boarding the the plane, I go to my seat which is near the window sit down and feel ok.
A few mins later the stewards start doing the safety demo of were the exits are ect ect and then a feel jolt as the truck to tow the plane to the runway attaches itself this is when I start feeling nervous again because now I know any min this is it,here I am afraid of heights and Im about to leave terra firma for the the first time.
Shortly after the plane gets in position the crew take the seats, im right at the front of the plane and the crews seats are facing me although some 20 feet or so ahead of me, all of a sudden the engines start to roar as the pilot starts the take off (this is it the time is here now! feeling anxious I look at one of the pretty stewardess's ahead of me thinking look at her not the window look at her, but I cant help but look out the window and I see the speed everything is going past and feel a little excited then the plane tips back Im thinking here we go here we go my nerves are going crazy and just after the plane takes off it maskes a steep banked curve and looking out of the window we only seem to be 30-40 feet off the ground and the roar of engines and the sound of the wind going past the plane has gone and I feel like the plane is just going to drop from the sky.)
Now Im feeling scared and clutching the arms of the chair and gradually the plane levels out and reaches cruising altitude I look out of the window feeling relieved and I can see were way above the clouds and the sun is shineing and looking at the clouds they look so buitiful almost like the waves in the sea fantastic experience.
Who would think a guy afraid of heights would love to fly?
I cant wait to do it again.
Quote by johneboy
Forget Freddie Krueger or Pinhead, it has to be the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! I've never been more scared of anything in my life and still when I watch that film years later, I get mildly anxious.

I am still terrified of the childcatcher!..........I always fast forward that bit when he is trying to entice the children out with his lollipops... :scared: .....(when my kids are watching it of course!
Mrs C..xx
didn't he meet a sticky end though dunno

WTF :shock:
whats that some kinda lolly pop fetish confused
Quote by fluffer
i am with you on the hairy 8 legged moster variety...
heights are pretty bad too
but im really freaked out by really really deep water.. actually being in the sea and there being so much underneath me that i cant see..just that vastness underwater!
I think it must be a throwback from watching Jaws as a kid.. when they are swimming happily but all the while a shark is on the prowl underneath.

Mmmmmm.... the thought of reaching down for the ground with your toes and not being able to connect with land would be so scary...... i hate going into the sea and swimming pools...... its just the thought of not knowing what is under the water.... i know in a swimming pool you can see... but the water does fore-shorten everything... making it appear to be a lower depth than it is....
equi-princess xxx
the look on my wifes face when she returns home from a shopping trip with my credit card :twisted: