As well as attending the Scottish munch and having various meets with various SH peeps, I would like to see a few things around Glasgow and the surrounding area. A relative of mine who used to live in Scotland until recently has recommended the People's Palace in Glasgow Green, and I also want to see that modern wonder, the Falkirk Wheel. Have the locals got any other things they would recommend to me? I will be there the whole holiday weekend.
You should see the Science Centre and Imax cinema (attached to it) on the Clyde side near the SECC.
There is the Tall Ship there too.
Also Prince's Square for shops and cafes.
Buchanan Galleries, again shops and cafes.
Museum of transport.
You should visit Nesbitt Gardens
Maybe 'Corinthian', in the Merchant City for an afternoon meal?
Real classy environment.
I think Rennie Macintosh had a hand in the interior design originally.
Thanks for all your suggestions - I have a full list of things to see. Unfortunately it's raining here in Glasgow at the moment, but I'm determined to see as much as possible - I have today and tomorrow.
Last post on this thread...I enjoyed looking round Glasgow. I did indeed look in the oldest house in Glasgow, Bobby B. I have just cme back from the People's Palace, which gives a good insight into Glaswegians' lives through the ages. Much stuff to see on several levels - notices kept telling me there was "merr upsterrs".
Thanks for all your suggestions - I couldn't really afford any restuarants or market visits, I paid enough in train fares and hotel bills to be here!