Sunday morning. I should be tidying the garden. Weeding my veggies, cutting back some bushes, painting my shed but its raining. So I'm here. Looking for some entertaining chat and banter
What should you be doing instead of being here?
this was supposed to be full weekend off work, and today was chalked in as a poss *get this hovel into some form of habitable condition* kind of day...
However, I have to cover a shift this afternoon, not untill later, though the break ...(any break... in the plan has legitimately allowed the procrastinating lp to sit back and have a mooch around the net... this being one of the global interwebby stopoffs on the way.
Gosh... that makes me sound well traveled!!
Well I've been out and am back home again now.
Seen mother in law .. just put roast in to cook. Pork and roast tatties with veg and gravy .. not forgetting the apple sauce ... yummy
A girlfriend of mine always had Sunday sorted for 'gardening'. It turned out she was having her pubes waxed. :shock: