Following on from the what songs turn you on thread,
Me and my sis were talking the other day about songs that always make you cry, after attending a funeral where they played Westlifes - You raise me up
Songs that have me blubbering whenever I hear them are
Everybody Hurts (REM)
Dont Cry Daddy (Elvis)
Living Years (Mike and The Mechanics)
and flipping Bright Eyes by Simon and Garfunkel -havent even plucked up the courage to watch the film because the song has me going!!
and the annoying thing is, now Ive mentioned these songs, I know at least one of them will be going round and round in my head all day.....sniff :upset:
'Swing low, sweet chariot' :cry:
'You raise me up' and 'Unbreakable' (both Westlife) :cry:
Several Carpenters songs :cry:
Phil Collins ... Against all odds
Gets me everytime!!
Another one that's come to mind is the one Ozzy Osbourne brought out with his daughter, Kellie. It's called "changes" and I cried and cried for the simple fact of losing the bond with my own Dad.
and why is it always about someone whos DADDY is gone/dead/missing in action???
never the mum is it??
Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton.
The very first line brings tears to my eyes.
thats a sad one HP...especially the reason it was written. :upset:
when the twin towers came down a version of dj sammy, heaven, was released. it was a little girl singing about her daddy she lost. i downloaded it onto my laptop but only ever listened to it once as i cried so much. x
Evergreen by barbra stresand- from dodgy 70's movie 'a star is born' gets me every time....
the birdy song, or anything by George Michael... oh no, hang on, emotional mix-up... thats not *cry*, that's *seeth*
Hi guys..
There are two songs that neither me or hubby steve can listen to after they were played when our nephew was buried.
Tears in heaven by Eric Clapton
I'll be missing you by Puff Daddy.
Even after 10 years we still can't hear them without blubbering!
driftwood-travis.... best friend decided life was to much, still hurts so very much. I still don't get why. This tune makes me slump 7 years on.
i think it's called teddy bear by red sovine (any old cb'ers may remember it).gets the old tear ducts working.
spice girls :shock:
well come on they enough to make any bugger cry :lol2:
Every time I look at you - Il Divo :cry:
Michael Buble - Home, theres a line in there that breaks me everytime, " And I know just why you could not come along with me, this was just not your dream," thats a line that reminds me of my son xxj
Hmmm.. hard one this because at certain times when at my most hormonal I can blub at almost anything!!
Definitely 'Sometimes It Snows In April' by Prince and also oddly enough, The Waterboys 'Whole of the Moon' but then that's to do with something that happened a long while ago...
..oh and 'Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans' - because I do.
Nola x
dont really cry get upset over a song ...........but the hurt cover by johny cash upsets me so good but makes me sad
My Imortal
*Which I'm still waiting for the wife to download btw*
Mine is Greenday - When september ends.
It was my sisters favourite song because it reminded her of our dad who had died 7 years ago in the september.
Sadly my sister died suddenly and we had it played at her funeral, she died 1 year ago today. :cry:
The words were spooky as it mentions 7 years since the father had passed in the septermber. My dad had died in the september 7 years ago too and my wonderful sister went in the october.
Oh dear i'm waffling now while blubbering. Sorry. :cry: :cry: