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what to do on a sunday afternoon

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ok any ideas?
another boring sunday afternoon
mates all all with there partners etc
and the usual rubbish on tv
anyone got any suggestions to liven up the rest of the day
i even put a post out inviting people in midlands leics area for a drink lol
any suggestions even silly ones would b a help lol
why not have a sunday roast?
its a idea jason lol
pub sounds good tho lol
some good ideas there lol
mind u lincs not far if u need a hand with the course work princess lol
whats u studying
I went to the pub.
I am now pissed.
I have to leave at 1800hrs to get the kids at 1900. I should be hone by 2030, with chips & stuff. Oh, and kids.
Should sleep and sober up, now.
nn all.
have a good sleep vix.
another suggestion for midlandsmale - watch gremlins on channel 5 at 6:10. that's what i'll be doing.
my mates said they were busy they didnt say they were on tv lol
Quote by midlands male
ok any ideas?
another boring sunday afternoon
mates all all with there partners etc
and the usual rubbish on tv
anyone got any suggestions to liven up the rest of the day
i even put a post out inviting people in midlands leics area for a drink lol
any suggestions even silly ones would b a help lol

I've spent most of the day watching my husband destroy an old built in wall unit, (one we never really liked), cleaned up after him and I've just spent 20 minutes sorting out our server here because the keyboard stopped responding.
If you'd like to come over here and baby sit for us while we go in search of other doggers ....... lol redface
bloody hell Amber lol
babysit all of a sudden i found something to do lol
Quote by jason1974
why not have a sunday roast?

Oooooooooooooh! (Pricks up ears)
:rascal: bolt
wasnt sure how to respond to the have a roast eager
so i suggested the pub lol
Quote by midlands male
bloody hell Amber lol
babysit all of a sudden i found something to do lol

The first sign of work and you have something else to do silly
Glad to be of help :p
Last nights cold curry mmmmmmmm
only joking Amber lol
if u find a babysitter and are going out give me a shout lol
Been a domestic goddess today, went food shopping with my lodger whos as camp as they come so that was a riot! We had a blonde moment too, decided to go to Tescos in his 2 seater convertible (with tiny boot) as it was sunny and warm, and then came out to find there was no way we were going to get a trolley full of shopping in the car!! Quick call to hubby to come and rescue us was necessary!
Then spent 3 hours in the kitchen, slaving over a roast dinner and baking Tom & Jerry cakes with the kids. Im knackered now, in need of a cuppa and an afternoon snooze....well thats if hubby does the washing up anyway rolleyes :shock:
Quote by PrincessSwallows
Im a student midwive!

I gave birth 7 months ago!
You're late! smackbottom
gen herts
u just remineded me
i knew there was something i forgot to do today
tom and jerry cakes
hope u made enough for everyone lol
God i must have been bored cleaned up and changed bedding :shock:
Well....... What have i done today.....
Packed my daughters suitcase..... and as we speak....shes on her way to the airport :happy:
But the burning Q is.......
What on earth am i gonna do for the next 7 nites???????
Quote by midlands male
gen herts
u just remineded me
i knew there was something i forgot to do today
tom and jerry cakes
hope u made enough for everyone lol

I'll split them with ya, IF you come and do my washing up, looks like we have had a banquet! :twisted:
Quote by GenHertsCpl
Been a domestic goddess today

Same here although I roped everyone in the house into it :twisted: so everyone feels knackered now LOL.
Just got 40ft mountain of ironing to do (and no I'm not adding anyone else's to the pile). And to a certain gentleman off here please don't keep me up all night ROFL I have to get up for work tomorrow ;)
C x
Quote by GenHertsCpl
baking Tom & Jerry cakes with the kids.

We want pictures of the cakes, to see if they are better than Bluexxx's batman cakes lol :lol:
sarah they on there way to me
me and gen herts have made a deal lol