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What TV adverts do you LOVE/HATE ???

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6 watchers
Sex God
Quote by Calista
Cartoon Network & other kids tv channels are banned in our house as they seem to attract the dumbest adverts!!! There are more "get into debt" ads on those channels than any other!!!!! (which I personally think is immoral!)

Thats because they also show all the cool toys kids want to buy... it means that they'll go to their parents and say 'can I, can I can I.....' To which they will then be told 'money doesn't grow on trees and we can't afford it'...... the kid will then reply.... 'It's ok mum/dad.... so and so are doing a low interest loan for repayments as little as so much per month..' To which they then get a clout round the earhole for being cocky little shits!! biggrin
Master of Sex
favourites are: "you can lick my ripples!" and the little lad shopping with his dad, "dad, i want a wee, dad, dad...i really need a wee..." they make me laugh...ohhh and the "creature comforts " adverts, especially the original turtle one!! I don't think i have a worst....I make tea whilst the programmes are on....unless it's Eastenders!! smile
Warming the Bed
"I don't care whose it is, it's floating!". Peter Kay washing powder advert is pretty funny. I like the Barclays adverts with Donald Sutherland too (but I like him as an actor. Although I hate Barclays I think the adverts have some artistic merit!).
My most hated adverts are all the cheap ones for .com's on minor channels (mainly on the News and Documentary channels) or daytime T.V. (Ocean Finance: convert your unsecured loans into a giant secured one!) smile

Channel 4 ident, greatest ad ever biggrin
I HATE the Think one with the car locking up its wheels. It's so badly done, and so obviously faked, that it reinforces the view that 'they' are lying about the dangers, or otherwise, of excessive speed in built up areas. mad
Warming the Bed
im liking the pepsi max advert very clever indeed!!
Quote by JonJon
I HATE the Think one with the car locking up its wheels. It's so badly done, and so obviously faked, that it reinforces the view that 'they' are lying about the dangers, or otherwise, of excessive speed in built up areas. mad

The advert may be a bit cheasy but cars do tend to do that if you hit the breaks too hard.
Oh and it really does take that distance to stop in the wet....
Oh and the single best way to avoid an accident is to slow down... it gives you more time to think and reduces the consiquences of serious injury in any kind of accident. Sure its not the only cause of accidents, but excessive speed is the single biggest contributing factor in car accidents.
BTW in Bristol a speeding car in a residential street caused enough damage to the terraced house they had to knock it down... not to mention the damage it did to the driver, and all the parked cars he bounced off.
Sorry to be all droll, but there are still idiots out there driving cars far to fast unaware of the potential consiquences.
If you hit a pedestrian whilst traveling at more than 30 miles an hour you will DEFINATELY kill them, no chances of a lucky escape.
I love ALL ads
Gives me time to fetch another :cheers:
Sorry for hijack redface
Quote by EnglishChris99
The advert may be a bit cheasy but cars do tend to do that if you hit the breaks too hard.
Oh and it really does take that distance to stop in the wet....

Any car that behaved as that one does would fail the MoT. Unfortunately it's not just people who, as I do, avoid speeding in built up areas who know that, it's also the idiots who feel that they are safe at 40, 50, 60. They believe that the ad doesn't apply to them because "my car wouldn't behave like that" and, to an extent, they're right, in the belief that it wouldn't. Unfortunately that fact probably wouldn't prevent that accident sad
Quote by EnglishChris99
Oh and the single best way to avoid an accident is to slow down... it gives you more time to think and reduces the consiquences of serious injury in any kind of accident. Sure its not the only cause of accidents, but excessive speed is the single biggest contributing factor in car accidents.

That's actually very contentious, and not merely amongst those who believe in a 'right' to drive however they wish. It's a contributory factor (note, not prime cause) in 7% of accidents. Taylor et al (2000) suggest that the commonest causative factor in RTAs is observation error. If speed is reduced outside built up areas, risk compensation can come into play. Accident rates at blind spots and junctions appear to be increased by reducing speeds below the 85th percentile (the speed at or below which 85% of drivers choose to drive in the absence of restriction).
Quote by EnglishChris99
Sorry to be all droll, but there are still idiots out there driving cars far to fast unaware of the potential consiquences.

I couldn't agree more.
Quote by EnglishChris99
If you hit a pedestrian whilst traveling at more than 30 miles an hour you will DEFINATELY kill them, no chances of a lucky escape.

No, that's not true. A statement that sweeping adds to the perception of the 'pro-driver' lobby that those attempting to introduce further controls are acting out of hysteria.
At 30 mph the rate of fatality is 45% amongst child pedestrians
At 40 mph the rate is 85%, again amongst child pedestrians
The risk of fatality decreases somewhat with adulthood, being 17% at 30mph for an 18-30 year old 85th %ile male and 67% at 40mph (University of Texas Transport Institution)
JonJon... I can't possibly compete with proper statistics... but the one about killing people at 30 miles an hour was culled from another government anti speeding advert... so thats where I get my perception from.
Where I used to live, quite a few people who I went to school with had serious and fatal car accidents because they were driving far too fast, mostly due to a lack of experience... but those are the majority of the accidents I remember.. and if they had just slowed down they would have been completely prevented.
My car doesn't have ABS... so I could make it stop like the one in the advert... but I would have to be a bit of a gibbon to actually drive that badly. Trust me... in the wet... if you don't take your foot off the brake when the wheels lock, you just carry on in a straight line without slowing down at all... granted in that advert it looks more like the car is being dragged along by a massive cable winching it towards impending doom.
The car in the advert is also a nissan bluebird (I think... or maybe its a old vauxhall cavalier)... so I wouldn't rule out the possibility that it IS an MOT failure! biggrin
My favourite road safety advert has to be the welsh guys getting a pizza... mainly because its one of the few ads with both a happy ending, and cheaky welshmen
Quote by EnglishChris99
granted in that advert it looks more like the car is being dragged along by a massive cable winching it towards impending doom.

I suspect that's exactly how they do it ;) It's a shame, the message is spot on, but IMHO the delivery is self defeating.
Quote by EnglishChris99
My favourite road safety advert has to be the welsh guys getting a pizza... mainly because its one of the few ads with both a happy ending, and cheaky welshmen

That one's excellent, it's clear, it's feasible and it gets the message across. More of the same would be nice to see smile
Quote by easy_going_dude
The track from the davert is by Laura Greene and called 'Moonlight, Music and You' - a cracker.....another good one, incase ur interested is 'California Soul' by Marleena Shaw which featured last year in the adverts.

Hey Easy... Do the following titles mean anything to you?
If they do then 'Keep The Faith' lol
Quote by EnglishChris99
the one about killing people at 30 miles an hour was culled from another government anti speeding advert... so thats where I get my perception from.

You were being lied to.
All these statistics about hitting people at 30 or 40 ignore the fact that unless the pedestrian gives you no chance to stop at all (in which case the accident is their fault not yours), you would have your foot on the brakes, as the driver in the advert had, and you will slow down!
For the car in the advert to be going fast enough to kit the child that hard after braking, it would have to have been doing a totally ridiculous speed before the brake were applied!
In real life, the difference between driving at 30 and 40 translates into the difference between braking and then hitting someone at 5 or 15 mph.
Boring drivers out of their skulls with ridiculously low speed limits, or distracting them by making them look for speed traps rather than at the road isn't the answer to dangerous driving. More education for pedestrians, and getting the police to concentrate on dangerous drivers instead of ones doing 31mph on a road that was recently changed from a 50mph limit to a 30 would be a start.
To the posts about car speed ads, wouldn't it be better to bring the Green Cross Code advert back on right after the adverts where someone gets hurt or killed. My little one constantly harps on about speeding etc, hopefully he would take notice of the Green Cross Code as much.
i just love the links advert .......were they rewind back to the supermarket after a night of lust
and the one with the song shakeing your ass........oooooooooo
one i hate erm .......probally the one with the gremlins in it all about learning to read ewwwww scary little buggers
Warming the Bed
Most hated has gotta be 118 888.....those dancing numbers get that stupid song stuck in your head all day.
Most loved - hmmmm There's McDonalds with a word change to 'bah bah bah bah bah "They cum in it!"
Oh and the old Churchill advert "Go home.." "No"
Quote by snowcpl226
There's McDonalds with a word change to 'bah bah bah bah bah "They cum in it!"

Reminds me of this!
My favourite ad was only on once, many years ago... It was the R. White's lemonade advert (you know the one, bloke in blue and white stripy pyjamas sneaks downstairs, sings "I'm a secret lemonade drinker...") but with a twist.
Just before the song would have started, there was a loud 'ping', and a voiceover announced "As if by magic, the Shopkeeper appeared". From then on, the advert turned into the end of an episode of Mr Benn, with Mr Benn saying that while he enjoyed his time as a secret lemonade drinker, the stripy pyjama fancy dress wasn't right for him, and walking back to No. 52 Festive Road, taking a bottle of R. Whites with him as a souvenir.
1. Nike's Lance Armstrong China Advert for the new Speed Range.
2. Anything with Veron Kaye with him or his voice.
Quote by redstilletto
and the one with the song shaking your ass........oooooooooo

I like that one too because I love that track, its by Groove Armada who i have seen live and will see the New Year in with lol :bounce: :thrilled: :taz:
As for adverts, i used to like the You've been Tango'ed ads, probably because they appealled to my sick sense of humour, i cant stand any of those 'consolidate your loans' ads thou mad I currently like those Yop adverts lol.
Quote by Calista
I like the slug one ... "too much salt can lead to a heart attack - giant slug with a message here!".

Hate to disagree........ but I'm afraid I can't associate slugs with salt confused
Anything to do with Mcdonalds (coz I can't stand the food, the marketing.... etc)
That kid that keeps saying "Dad I want to GO now..."
Any bank/finance advert where the bank staff look so dippy & innocent because they just wouldn't dream of ripping you off & trying to lend you far more money than you can afford....
Budwieser adverts because their beer is rubbish - Why are we now supposed to want "fresh" beer............ I mean come on..... rolleyes
Sex God
The pepperami advert makes me laugh.. lol :lol: :lol:
Simple but effective..... :grin:
I used to like the Martini advert years ago, drinking on a verander somewhere nice and a balloon going over.
and the early smash adverts, again simple but they made me chuckle. :grin: :grin:
Quote by xxdevil69
Cartoon Network & other kids tv channels are banned in our house as they seem to attract the dumbest adverts!!! There are more "get into debt" ads on those channels than any other!!!!! (which I personally think is immoral!)

Thats because they also show all the cool toys kids want to buy... it means that they'll go to their parents and say 'can I, can I can I.....' To which they will then be told 'money doesn't grow on trees and we can't afford it'...... the kid will then reply.... 'It's ok mum/dad.... so and so are doing a low interest loan for repayments as little as so much per month..' To which they then get a clout round the earhole for being cocky little shits!! biggrin
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Little bastards......... mad
Nauseatingly sweet little kids sitting on toilets waffling on about bog rolls....
Bloody babies with shitty bloody nappies....
Shoot the smelly little gits............ :sparring: :borg: :bs: :fuckinghell:

Got to say that my favourtie ad at the moment is the one about the sausages and the man and dog fighting over them. The way the dog hits the patio doors at the end of the advert is hilarious, I crease up everytime. As for old adverts got to agree that the John West Salmon Advert was brilliant.
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
As for the ones I have INSURANCE ADS. I think they should be banned.
mad :x :x :x :x :x