Just a thought as some threads are talking about decline in postings and the change in the Forum.
What type of threads do you like to read and are inclined to post on?
Swinging related experiences/issues
Serious life issues (global warming, cyber bullying, supermarket waste etc etc)
Picure threads, best bums/thighs etc
General life/home/family discussions
Silly/funny lighthearted threads
...and whatever else
Come on newbies out there reading, please feel free to post and join in too. What do you like to read? We'd like to hear from you and give you a big fat warm SH welcome. New people are WELCOME to this forum.
Personally, I love the swinging related ones and sometimes get fed up of the silliness of mega silly posting (strange phrase I know!). Each to their own and all that. But I am here to learn about and discuss swinging issues, for example the fisting thread :shock: but hey I've learned a thing or two.
Over to you...
pink x
I do love to read the swinging related threads, as I have learnt and are still learning about different apsects of swinging. Im not to keen on threads started about particular areas of the country, as they limit the amount of response that can be given. I am quite partial to the odd flirting thread though ( as you can see lately) and i am sorry if anyone finds my flirty posts boring and mundane but i do enjoy them, they cheer me up and would you deny someone a few minutes of laughter? (thats just a general question, not aimed at anyone in particular)
What id like to see more of is decent threads which bring people out to talk about their swinging experiences. I love to hear these stories and I think people can gain alot from hearing about past experiences, good and bad.
Louise xx
Speaking only for ourselves (who else we could speak for I dont know) we enjoy the swinging posts and the lighthearted posts.
The serious posts rarely interest us - well, we're here to have fun and view life in a less serious way than some.
And the mega silly posts just leave us cold! Absurd stuff done by people with way too much time on their hands who wanna see there posting totals go up no matter that they may or may not be adding to the fun or to the debate - but we do defend their right to post such nonsense - if they are amused by it then good luck to them. After all it'd be a boring old world if we all liked the same stuff.
Can't say the piccy threads do a lot for us either, though the comments can be very funny or very puzzling depending on our knowledge of the situation.
The family fun stuff we like too. maybe cos we can almost always find summat in them to relate to, having kids of our own.
I'll read owt ... :shock:
Debz xxxx
Now this is an interesting thread. :thumbup:
No great insights from me I'm afraid, but I do find myself gravitating towards the more 'inclusive' threads.
They don't have to be on any particular subject, but they need to be based on something which allows the wider community to participate. After all, inclusiveness is one of the major precepts of the swinging lifestyle.
For example, if someone started a thread entitiled "What's your radio call sign?" (no offence to the hams out there ;-) ) I don't expect many people would have input.
But, threads discussing things we all have an opinion on will fly. I suppose that's why some threads stay at the top of the page longer than others.
I know this is a swinging website, and I enjoy posts on all aspects of that, but remember there are people out here who don't swing and are here mostly because they enjoy the community. If the subject matter were limited to just swinging related posts the Cafe would stagnate very quickly. After all, the tag line for the Cafe is "General discussion and chit-chat." ;-)
And I fully support getting new users involved, which is why I hate it when people get shot down for asking 'stupid' or 'repetitive' questions.
After all, we were all new 'outsiders' at some point and the sooner people become involved, the quicker we can get them on their backs :giggle:
I like pretty much all threads/posts aslong as the title says somthing to me.
The only ones i stay away from are the deep thought one as im not the best at getting what i think down in type.
I like juicy threads.
And nibbly ones too.
I can enjoy just about any type of thread - except inane bollocks-ridden questions.
I am ashamed to say that what puts me off, is if a thread has already reached page 4 before I've noticed it. I then feel obliged to read it to make sure I don't repeat someone else's point or whatever - I sometimes just can't be arsed - 'specially if someone has hijacked half way through.
i log in for a read every day, sometimes it doesnt take long and i roll my eyes and log out....other times im here for hours watching a thread and sometimes i even post!
i prefer the discussion threads...if that be about swinging or something different, intelligent, thoughtful and contraversial, it can make brilliant reading and theres some great posters out there.
im not so keen on the flirty, funny, post count boosting threads, theres no substance to them for me. i wouldnt object to them being here tho :thumbup:
Personally, and this is Dave speaking, I like the social and psychological stuff regarding swinging as it probably gives me an insight into me! I'd love to work out for example, why my wife hates the term "swinging" but loves doing it. I like to hear how people got into this, as everyone's story is different. I like to know who people have told and who they haven't. All in All, I'm fascinated
Sorry, clicked on wrong one!!!