Mine was as a waitress when I was 18 in an American style diner, Friday and Saturday nights.
I loved that job, it was like getting paid to have fun, hard work, but so so good.
We used to have a competition to see who could make the highest individual tip in one night, my best was a fiver, and in those days, that was a lot!!
When talking about that job, I come to life still....happy days!
Anyone else had a good one, for what ever reason?
I was a tea boy for a firm of actuaries. I used to listen to them playing chess in their heads.
12 years I was in the RAF Regiment best times
Per Ardua
I maintain that if you enjoy your job you're doing it wrong
Stair cleaner at DG's house. It was kewl cos she paid cash
I had two part time jobs at the same time, one was artistic director in a lap-dancing joint, the other was training dolphins at an aquarium. Both jobs took up a lot of time and of course was partying hard as well.
It all went wrong one day when the stress got too much and I was throwing haddock at the lap dancers and trying to dress dolphins in lingerie......ah happy days!!!
I haven't had my favourite job yet. I have no idea what it would be.
At the moment work just seems to be hard work, no fun and waiting for the redundancies to come.
When I was 18 I had 6 week summer job working on the refit of a car plant in Liverpool. The bed and breakfast was paid by my employer, I had two mates with me, the work was bloody hard but at 18 with cash in your pocket, no worries about how you spend it and the whole of Liverpool's finest young women out there it was heaven!
My favourite Job will be mine in approx 4 years.....
I used to work with kids. Laughed pretty much every day - that was pretty cool.
I'm going to try not to ramble
I think I've been rather lucky in retrospect.
I seem to have enjoyed just about everything I've done at some point or other, for one reason or another... but wo to anyone who caught me in a moaning mood, for by goodness can I moan about stuff!
other than that:
The early years were great, coming down to the big smoke and working in a 'creative' (he said, waggling his "quotie-fingers") environment, with an easy boss who liked a drink as much as I did, and being in the middle of soho and soaking up all that sordid atmosphere as it was in those days.. the madness of production runs.. and the general ease of the job itsself... excellant.
Then they expected me to go all "professional" (more quotie-waggles) on their ass!
It could never last... stress and fours too many drinking...pah!!!
Brilliant laugh in a time that felt really free and deleriously ... errrm... silly.
(a strong will to ignore all responcibility helped... I'm better now, a bit)
Then a few years... nah.
Lost momentum now...I may come back with an edit for the middle bit.
But Now, well... the job is immensely rewarding and extremely good fun at times... though I have people/staff/interpersonal moan stuff going down...
but if i were to slide that to one side, the "meaning" of the job, and the folk I work "for" (sorry... waggles) have made a tremendous change to my general approach to life.
I approach it differently... though its still chaos.
there's responcibility now too... and professionalism, so Im told... though I manage to hide my distainct lack of the second under a veneer of "personal approach" (read: having fun) <<no waggles.
I have loved every job that I have ever had. I totally believe that you will find good in everything you do if you put your mind to it. I love my life generally and I, of course, love the job I do currently.
I did make a massive career change around 7 years ago and still have friends in the 'old' place who tell me that others talk about me positively and say how shocked they were when I left as 'if you cut splendid she would have bled >insert name of company<' I am proud that I am still well thought of as I did enjoy the place and I have immense loyalty to anyone that will pay me to work so that I can feed myself and mine.
'be the change you want to see in the world'