Why take anything? If you're meeting a couple and you took a pressie for the fem, wouldn't the geezer be a bit pissed off that you didn't get him a pressie too?
If anyone is thinking of buying me a pressie for fucking Satin, not chocs (I have gingivitis) or flowers (shite pressie), or wine (don't like it) please. Ta.
Wine is polite I guess, unless you have reason to think that they don't drink. Red is sexier but not everyone can take it so I would suggest a nice crisp Sauvignon Blanc or Rose...? Just don't take anything toooo cheap.
It depends on what type of meet, if we're going to be fed then wine.
If it's a party, plenty of wine and some bottles of beer.
If it's just for a jump then nothing, I wouldn't expect anything either.
On the one hand, taking gifts to someone you're meeting for a shag could be seen as some sort of propitiation, an attempt to pay, an expression of what you think they're worth etc; virtually guaranteed to cause offence, or at the very best make you look like a creep.
On the other hand, if you're visiting a friend at their home, a token of friendship and thanks for their hospitality will probably be well received.
I would say chocs, flowers or whatever for friends is fine, but if you're thinking of giving presents to strangers, ask yourself how you would feel if a stranger gave presents to you.