OK I'm thinking about the recent snow and the forecast snow for this weekend. Obviously I'll make sure I have plenty of food in - I pass Asda on the way home from work.
But what food/drink item could you absolutely not live without. Bad enough to walk through a driving blizzard for.
Not much for me - but if I knew I was going to be snowed in (ahh, the heavenly thought) I would HAVE to have bread - or at least the makings to make my own. I would rather do without meat or chocolate than fresh bread.
Gonna have to go away and ponder on this one as I don't think that there is a single thing on the food and drink list that I would be prepared to make that much effort for!
well I try to keep a stock of wine and gin in so I wouldnt run out...
may I be soppy and say I would walk through a blizzard for hugs....
and the week before last was prepared to walk 3 miles through the snow to get my mums morphine... but managed to get a lift....
My wife.
Actually, I'd "pop out" for pretty much anything really lol I love the whole "adventure" side of it. I've got boots, I've got waterproofs and windproofs.
Bring it on!
Chocolate! There's no f*cking way i'm living in the same house as J without her having chocolate! For myself I think without coffee I would be a bit all over the place so coffee and chocolate in this house is a must or else the kids get it!
oddly enough whens its snowing is one of the only times i don't send our lads to the shops for stuff i go myself i love walking in the snow
Don't forget the lads and lasses of the emergency services who still go out in it no matter what to keep us safe and well. Hats off to them.
With all this being sensible and considering our families etc etc I forgot the following
Mrs Tweeky naked in a steaming hot jacuzzi with (add your fantasy number here) other woman. :twisted:
A Chinese
how do we know? because we just have
and it was delicous ........
I'm in the "dress up and get out in it" camp. I love the snow if I haven't got to go out in it but choose to anyway. :twisted: I don't mean to make snowmen or chuck lumps of it around, just walk and enjoy the cleanness and sparkle. If I knew anyone needed anything and I could go somewhere on foot to get it, I'd be there like a shot!