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what`s in a word

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well, what brought this up was..........
me and choozy were messin` about last night, takin the p*ss out of each other when i told her to "sod off beatch".
now, i know thats not nice but, it was said in guest and we had been calling each other all night (messin about in a pretend sulk with each other).
WOW, she hit the roof "DON`T CALL ME A :censored: BEATCH!!!!!!!!!!! :fuckinghell: "
:scared: after grabbin hold of her by the legs and removing her head from the light fitting bolt
and much appologies from me (glass of wine and a foot massage) :therethere:
i asked her what it was all about dunno
she said " i just hate being called that!!!!!!"
now me, i don`t seem to have reactions like that to being called things or the use of certain words poke
maybee it`s because i`m to numb or as it has been said before "your so laid back you must navigate by the stars" rolleyes
ps. not be doin that one again :giveup:
what sets you off in a rant or "on one"?
oh oh oh mr peavley, mr peavley (who said that?)
i`ve remembered my instant heckles word.
boy! ie. i`ll tell you "boy"
thats one!!!
now you`ve just met 15st 6` ex-boxer me!!!!!!!
see i new i had one !! :shock:
Quote by philstarnchoozy
oh oh oh mr peavley, mr peavley (who said that?)

the assistant zoo keeper from "the hair bear bunch"....
it was possibly " Mr peasley" but im not gonna split hairs.... unless im performing oral sex..
can i have a prize?
Ha! well people have called me many things ( as i am laid back also) , in jest but I can see that somtimes there are those that go on an on with their delusions until one just has to take them to task. Not so nice... Anyway just to pour some oil on the topic starters bonfire, I recall a tee shirt slogan that stated " only a B'stard like me could love a B***h like you ! which may be quite you were to get one! ( although I don't accept any liability for damage to yourself etc etc.. lol ) .
Oi Boy, I mean Philstar, that is not a very nice thing to say to the wonderfull Choozy, that woman must have the patience of a saint wink
Flowers and intensive groveling should do the trick mate, I made a similar misstake jokeingly some time back redface surprisedops: lol :lol:
Quote by de_sade
A word used to describe the most sacred and beautiful places on Earth can also cause great offence to some people. It probably is the one word that can sum up great passion in both male and female - both positive and negative. The one word that has increasing usage on both sides of the Atlantic and which some academics have described as being the "ultimate insult" if used out of context (just goes to show what some academics know)
My favourite word. So expressive.

OMG that's the word that does it for me mad
Years ago I used to hate it when my gf jokingly called me a pervert as it cut a little too close to the bone and my insecurities - now I know and accept that I am a pervert and that it's ok I don't mind anymore! lol
Cunt, very expressive and useful word :thumbup:
I like twat too :lol2:
If I ever get pissed off by someone then I always call them a twat :lol2:
I've nothing against cunt, but then I wouldn't have being male. However I think pussy is a little odd, probably something to do with the image of bad American porn.
As for first retort/insult to someone I usually go for wanker; which is very odd given that...well enough of that I think.
a good put down i find is to call someone a plebeian.
they usually look at you all kunfood :confused: blink
i then follow that with a pause and "point proved" :hunk: