me and choozy were messin` about last night, takin the p*ss out of each other when i told her to "sod off beatch".
now, i know thats not nice but, it was said in guest and we had been calling each other all night (messin about in a pretend sulk with each other).
WOW, she hit the roof "DON`T CALL ME A :censored: BEATCH!!!!!!!!!!! :fuckinghell: "
:scared: after grabbin hold of her by the legs and removing her head from the light fitting

and much appologies from me (glass of wine and a foot massage) :therethere:
i asked her what it was all about

she said " i just hate being called that!!!!!!"
now me, i don`t seem to have reactions like that to being called things or the use of certain words

maybee it`s because i`m to numb or as it has been said before "your so laid back you must navigate by the stars"

ps. not be doin that one again :giveup:
what sets you off in a rant or "on one"?