I keep seeing Ads for WE or VWE males wanted. What is the definition of WE or VWE? I don't know if to apply! Help!
As a straight man, I've not been close to any erect cocks, apart from mine. But girls that I have been with say its larger than others they have been with (perhaps they have been with small cocks).
It is said 6in is average, and a few years ago a GF measured mine at 8in, but I can see my cock has 'different lengths' depending on how I am feeling that evening even when erect/excited - If I am feeling; tired, dehydrated, to much to drink, not really getting turned on by woman etc. When I lose a bit of weight, its officially larger, as the fat is less etc.
PS. I will measure mine again, when aroused, and see what I am.
Your comments would be interesting...
OP inadvertently you hit the nail on the head: there is nothing concrete about these labels, not only because everybody's definition differs but also (and especially!) because genitals' shape and size is a dynamic thing (ladies' parts, too).
I'll propose something drastic, go into the bi marrieds room, stick your erection on camera and ask for people to give you an appraisal. Some will be complimentary in their judgement, some will be mean but overall you'll get a true reflection. Alternatively in your position I would describe my member as "good-sized" or "juicy/fat/long/with big head" ie. whatever the shape of it is (not that juicy is a shape but you get what I mean, descriptive language), then put a clear picture on for people to draw their own conclusions. Show don't tell, always.
I think pretty much everyone here takes the WE/VWE/VVWE descriptions with a pinch of salt. And the dedicated big cock chasers go for spectacularly large, the kind of penis you don't have doubts whether it's larger than average or not.
I feel for your confusion though - the big cock rooms are full of average and so is the small cocks ones! And when you talk to these men they are convinced their slightly smaller or slightly bigger than average cock, or their perfectly average one, is actually big/small. There is no hard measures here, it is all arbitrary.
OP I've had exactly the same experience of women telling me I'm slighty above average, and certainly not small. Very difficult to know.
As for the lables I am likewise sceptical - How many adds ask for VWE only, and how many average sized guys must respond to those ads by saying that they a VWE?
I've been around naked men with erections before and some are large, some are small but most are average.
I also think it's a perspective thing - if you're a tall chubby man an average sized penis will look small and vice versa if you're short and thin. Camera angles on photo's change perspective as lot as well.
One grump you hear from people meeting met is that the men they meet say "I've got a 9 inch cock" when responding to ads for them only to be average in size. I think to solve this we need a conversion table between real life inches and the internet inches some people use lol (The conversion factor could be called the lying index!)
Maybe the best way to respond to inquisitive women and couples is to tell them to stop asking about your size, because it's best for you to show them in person! (I might be being flippant here lol ).
Thanks for your responses... I get were you ae coming from...
So you are overall you are saying 'size' doesn't matter?
But only if its over 5in?
By looks of it... I have nothing to worry about... Or do 'most men'...
And a cock is like a 'balloon', well my one is. When its in 'full sail' its 8in and girth is good... and later on same night, with the same woman, its smaller little chipolata/uninterested, cos' if the woman just didn't really turn you on, or other times it can be just the 'recovery' period needed is longer/next morning, after too much wine.