In the process of or just after sex your partner turns around and tell you something that makes ,you feel great of your perfomance,beauty etc...
well yes what the best compliment have you ever received
WARNING TO READERS:apart from laugher replies may contain words that will cause instant erection and severe wetness to the ladies,so a quick wank break is highly adviced
oh phuckers you are such a beast
"You smell nice - reminds me of Pledge"
(Shalimar perfume)
I remember reading article once saying that you should give your partner a round of applause after sex ! I tried it with Mrs H and got a swift kick in the nuts ! Wont rty that again - she thought I was taking the piss !
"It is true! Coffee tastes better after great sex"
"you did a good job of painting the cieling darling".
The nicest compliment i ever got was a guy saying"i love your thighs"...Ive always hated them because theyre chunky and im self conscious about them so he really put me at ease saying that .
Many have said:
"That's the best, I've EVER had".
My reply is always:
"It's because you've been dealing with The Ace.
What more can I say. :twisted:
I've been given that praise so many times yet each time is like the first.
Would you like to join the exclusive list of people to say this after Sexual Animal Passion....
Please get intouch so we can touch.
Wouldn't it be easier to say what is the best compliment you've ever given during/after sex?
But then again isn't the whole thing too personal?
I wouldn't devalue a genuine compliment by repeating it.
Not during but after - in a club had a bloke come after us and give us a round of appluse - does that count !!!!!!? :shock: :shock: