Hello all you knowelegable and experienced ladies.
I am looking for advice on the best vibrator to buy for my girlfriend. We are an exclusive couple, both 24 and she isnt overly experienced sexually(im her first), but is getting there and doing very well indeed.
I want to buy her a vibrator to add a little bit of kink to our sex life and let her play alone more.
What would be the best one to buy to get here started. I know hte rabbit is a fav, but would it be a bit to much for her first??
Any advise would be great!!
Ok, I'm going to shock a lot of people and say.....
I don't know the answer! :shock:
I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful but :welcome: to the forums!
The cone:
Anyone tried this one?
Wingman-I don't understand where the pleasure in this one is?!
m xx
Ask Dave and Chas.
Welcome to the Forum!
my first ever vibrator and the one i still use most regularly is the pocket pleaser:
i also have the rampant rabbit (good) the deluxe rampant rabbit (crap) a pulsatron (amazing) and a double ender (need someone to go on the other end of it for full effect i feel)
im hoping for this one on valentines day tho :
Best Vibrator for the ladies- what ever happened to the good ol' fashioned dryer/washing machine set to spin?
Thankyou all for replying to my query. For those of you that asked, it is my move getting a vibrator. Introducing it as a surprise, she has mentioned them before and said we should start to be a bit more adverturous. I have had more partners and been experimental, so i am taking it all slow with her, let her find what she wants.
ALso would like to point out it is nothing to do with poor sex at the moment. We have great sex and go at it all night. Just adding variety!
I am thinking that a simpler one to start of with (not a rabbit) might be a good thing. Ease her in, or ease IT in as the case may be.
xxx so thanks again