Joined another site recently. Very few genuine active members, but had loads of attractive females that once contacted me asking for verification via another web site. So do these people take money from your credit card account, how does it work, are they all scammers? Never had so many attractive women reply to my messages before lol
If it sounds too good to be true,it isn't.
there's some shoddy sites out there. i joined a couple a few years ago and got the same messages from the same women on both sites, and to reply you have to pay for membership.
just hit the cancel account button, there's enough genuine free and fairly cheap sites if you look about for them
I named the site on my original post, but I see it has been removed, don't see why as although I could make a pretentiously libelous statement about this site, I haven't.
What are any of us doing here? lol
Surely some are interested in other sites, especially those site which exist only to rip you off, as for contacting, do you really think they would put there hands up.
Yes, can see now it was a pointless exercise bring the subject up on here.
Made the point here, as I have always considered this to be the most genuine site and its members also. As a guy its hard work due to the ratio of male to female, so you end up looking to other avenues. It was only a very small amount for a months subscription, not worried about that, but my question was about these verification web sites these girls direct you too. Its become rather amusing now, had loads of contact with 22-23 year old very attractive girls, never had that here lol, the only new members each day all have picture, with fantastic profiles.
Very likely, or a fat bloke in a string vest, in a smoke filled room in the UK.