I have this friend who turns shy in new surroundings and with new people. She is very lonely and has not been in a relationship for a very long time and in fact the last time she's had sex was over a year ago! She is getting desperate that she will never meet someone worthwhile. I don't know what to say to her, how to console her and build up her confidence. She used to be outgoing and sociable but that was a lifetime ago. Has anyone got any ideas/advice to give? With thanks for any answers,
Well, anyway, I still recommend dance lessons, and you can quote me on that. :smug:
I used to be really uncomfortable meeting people I didn't know and going out to public places, also I had a blushing phobia (this is when you blush for no reason at all really, other than you think you're going to blush, so you do). I felt uncomfortable just walking around a supermarket as I was so self conscious I thought everyone was looking at me. BUT there is a way out of it but it's not that pleasant. You have to first admit you have a problem and decide you want to change and then slowly have to face your fears; do things you know you're not comfortable with but train your mind to praise yourself and say 'look how brave I am doing this, all these people aren't as brave as me'. Just one little thing each day but set yourself a goal say in 6 months to perhaps walk in a pub, on your own and sit and enjoy a quiet drink.
I did this and improved my life no end. For example I am now am a member of a business networking group where once a week I have to talk to a room of 25 people about my business for 1 minute and every few months I have to do a 10 minute presentation in front of them. A couple of years back the thought of doing this would have sent me into a cold sweat, now I still get a little nervous but realise that I can do it and if I go red or stumble on my words a bit 'fuck it' I won't die on the spot 'so fucking what, no one's perfect' and then just carry on.
Swinging has also helped give me self confidence also.
I hope this hasn't gone too far away from the original post but it sounded to me like she may have similar issues and I hope it helps.
How about getting your friend involved in local voluntary work, then your friend could start with a few hours a week meeting people, and then join clubs for thing that they are interested in.