One of the funniest times I've experienced on SH is when my partner J and two other lovely ladies and friends all got on cam and between them started teasing and playing along with the guys coming into the chatroom and going on cam. between the three of these ladies they managed to sort out about a dozen different guys on cam having a wanking competition. Hilarious and such a revelation to me about my partner. It was always me that had the filthy mind not J. Oh how wrong i was!
Their have been other times off site with people and mates present and past that have been brilliant fantastic and far far to few and rare, Welsh room socials, Bristol munches, Chameleons, 2am BBQ's at dogging spots houseparties in Wiltshire. Nine people on a hotel bed. Bacon butties and cups of soup with friends on a hillside over looking Bristol on bonfire night, Camping at Brean the list goes on.... Some good times with good people met met from this site. Sometimes when things move on it isn't for the best and moving on from events such as these we've had certainly isn't for the best. Good times.