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whats your favourite movie

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10 watchers
the champ its a old film but i cried :cry:
How come no one said Wizard of Oz come on.................
Although Shawshank redemption very good.........
Quote by HungryP
The Usual Suspects
Lord of the Rings trilogy
The Godfather trilogy
North by North West:

Ohmigod, just realised that all these (except the last one) are rather blokey films with battles, violence etc. I love such a wide range of films, to the extent that my Mum says that I have a woman's taste in films, books, television :shock: . There are lot of other films (politics, romance, drama, feel good... etc) such as Emma, Manhattan, Muriel's Wedding that I rate very highly..... but due to age etc I can't bloody remember them. I get the Radio Times every week, & always turn straight to the film page to see what delights I can treat myself to. biggrin :D
Warming the Bed
your all wrong hehe
its got to be one of two.....
we were soldiers!!!!.... but maybe shaw shank!!!!
ohhhhhhhhhhh how coud we forget Rocky Horror! Shame on us!
Mind you if you were to introduce genres the list would change.
Our lighthearted list ;
The wanderers
Something about Mary
Life of Brian, Holy Grail, Meaning of life, Live at the Holly etc etc
Fish called Wanda
Trading Places
Sex God
oooo lots!
24 Hour Party People
Life of Brian
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Pulp Fiction
Sixth Sense
Interview with the Vampire
So many films, not enough time:
All time list?
Midnight Express
The Italian Job (the one in Italy)
Shawshank Redemption
Saving Private Ryan
See No Evil, Hear No Evil
Blues Brothers..I could be here forever. rolleyes
The only film that has made me cry in the last maybe 20 years is the one with Haley Jo Whatshisface (the kid on the sixth sense) where you had to pass good deeds on to three people, then they have to pass it on to three people. Was it called "Pass it on"? I can't remember, but I cried. Sniff.
Green Mile nearly got me there too.
Was it 'Pay it forward'?
Sixth Sense....blubber, blubber, sob sob here :cry:
Sounds like a medical condition that :shock:
Sex God
Quote by freckledbird
Was it 'Pay it forward'?
Sixth Sense....blubber, blubber, sob sob here :cry:

Yes that's the one Bev. I got it a couple of years ago and sat blubbing through it!
Just watched "The Terminal"
Quote by pinkbubble(mr&mrs)
Best film of all time is .....Raiders of the lost ark.....but recently seen Million dollar Baby now that was a very good film.
Sod it forgot about The Shawshank Redemption.......the greatest film ever!

How did you rate Green Mile???????????
Shawshanks redemption yes a great classic film, also on my list Erin Brockovich and pretty Woman (cuz Julia was so dammed sexy in both) and finally waterworld and Dances with Wolves
sad bas***d aint I smile
Master of Sex
Hobsons choice for us northerners
Saturday night Sunday Morning
and I cant believe no one has mentioned 2001 or Alien (1&2)
The battle scene in Henry V is classic and is what Gladiator was ripped from too!
my fav movie
the old black n white one wink
love it
Quote by freckledbird
Was it 'Pay it forward'?
Sixth Sense....blubber, blubber, sob sob here :cry:

Pay it forward! That's it! Thanx FreckleBird, that has been annoying the hell out fo me! mad
Trains , Planes and Automobiles lol
The Green Mile :cry:
The Blues Brothers :lol:
There`s only one Jimmy Grimble biggrin
My all time fave is Singin' In The Rain. Casablanca comes 2nd with Top Hat.
The Hours and Finding Neverland are probably the only ones that come close for me of recent films.
The current crop of stuff at the cinema is excellent - Ray, Aviator, and Sideways will please most peeps, Closer is outstanding but can be traumatic (don't see it on a 'date'!), Garden State is great fun, Vera Drake is remarkable (but quite heavy!), 2046 is the classiest of cult movies, and Team America is pure genius if you like South Park type humour. Million Dollar Baby seems popular (but didn't quite do it for me) and Meet the Fockers is kinda ok after a couple of beers . . .
Warming the Bed
O.K this is my list, as if anyone would care:
Lost In Translation
Crouching tiger Hidden Dragon
The Searches
Pulp Fiction
Something about Mary
And if i had to choose a couple or single based on what thier fav films were then it would be foxy_30s cpl
as anybody tried to read a book when they,re drunk?.... painfull is,nt it.
Warming the Bed
Secretary. Strangely biographical...
i'm up at silly o'clock, wondering WTF am i doing up at this time, so sod it i'm sticking me rambling mode with just a touch of film studies thrown in head on, on the offchance i'll bore meself before i hit submit . . . . :P
the absolute, bestest, most original, most innovative, most daring film ever, ever made, and actually given a cinema release . . . is . . . . . . with Mick Jagger still in 60's icon mode playing, well himself really.
it's got Anita Pallenberg getting naked all over the place, engaging in bi-fem threesomes and allegedly shagging Mick's brains out on camera right in front of poor old Keif. it's got James Fox playing a role that was maybe a tad too real, and kinda tipped him over the edge, buggering his career for long after. It's got Michelle Breton being oh so cute and stunningly sexy, even though we can't really tell if she's meant to be Jaggers bi-side, or just happens to be all boyish and androgynous? it's pure swinging 60's meets Kray twin gangster chic!
it's got sex. lot's of it. it's got violence, that looks all too real. it's got shedloads of drugs. ((( 60's beatniks ok? not endorsing drug taking here at all! ;) ))) it's got rock'n'roll. Scorcese would struggle to beat the soundtrack! and it messes with your head on all kindsa levels, and looks a completely different film every time you watch it! it does hardly registered, subliminal things with jump cut edits, and uses tints and distorted camera angles leaving you with that WTF was that? feeling.
and . . . the Happy Mondays managed to put out a complete album simply by sampling just about every line of dialogue in the film! can't say fairer than that can you? smile
neil x x x x ;)
p.s. just hit submit didn't i? still, you shoulda seen it before the edits! rolleyes ;)
Warming the Bed
The Godfather
Citizen Kane
- - -
The Road Warrior
Mad Max
(I like me gloom and doom movies, I do!)
- - -
Apocalypse Now
(I narrowly missed having to attend the Vietnam schooling session back in the 1960s and '70s, so I tend to worship the ones who had no choice and got drafted)
- - -
Kharactur (think I spelled this right -- excellent film! won the Oscar for best foreign film back in 1997 or '98, I believe it was; anyway, I'll go look up the name and post the correct spelling if I have it bolloxed)
Warming the Bed
I thought Jagger was pretty good in "Ned Kelly," to be honest. Never got to see him in "Performance" yet, that film is hard to find in the U.S.
And did anyone ever see "Crash Palace," a New Zealand film from around 1978 or '79? Another good one.
Has anyone ever seen "Times Square" with Trini Alvarado and Tim Curry? I liked the hell out of it! The Sleaze Sisters rule!
Warming the Bed
All time favourite - One flew over the cuckoo's nest.
This film's got it all - made me laugh and cry. How sad was it when the Indian kills Jack :cry:
Films that gave it a close run:
Godfather 1 & 2 (not 3 - hated that one)
The Lord of The Rings (all three)
The Green Mile
As Good as it gets
Master of Sex
it has to be Highlander for me,i think this is sean connerys and christopher lamberts best film by far beating anything else they ve ever done.
ive seen this film 100,s of times and it still makes the hairs on the back of neck tingle.
plus there is a line in it thats just pure class,when Conner McLeod(lambert) is being questioned by the police one of them asks "are you gay McLeod?"
to which he replies "why you crusing for a peice of ass?"
i used that line at work a couple of weeks back when one of the locals(i work in a pub)thougt it would be funny to take this piss outta my "gay looking earings" confused
it shut him straight up and the look on his face was priceless. rotflmao
Quote by Night_shift
All time favourite - One flew over the cuckoo's nest.
This film's got it all - made me laugh and cry. How sad was it when the Indian kills Jack :cry:
Films that gave it a close run:
Godfather 1 & 2 (not 3 - hated that one)
The Lord of The Rings (all three)
The Green Mile
As Good as it gets

Cuckoo's Nest definately!
Have got Green Mile downstairs but haven't plucked up the courage yet to watch it.
Fav old film which would see me bunking off school and curling up to was Cary Grant - Bringing Up Baby - god I loved Cary Grant! (One of my first crushes along with Rod Stewert and Annie Lennox.)
Bestest other film has got to be Shawshank Redemption - tissues puurlease......
Cathy x
Warming the Bed
Cuckoo's Nest, definitely!
And Gladiator, which is just fabulous!
Really, really liked Bowie in "The Man Who Fell to Earth" and Roddy Piper in 'They Live"
Al Pacino in "Scarface" -- his portrayal of Tony Montana is downright scary!
"Runaway Train" with Jon Voight and Eric Roberts is one of the most underrated, most brilliant movies I have ever had the pleasure of seeing -- and owning a copy of!
And how I could have forgotten "Rocky Horror" or "Young Frankenstein" is beyond me!
lol :shock: :twisted: rolleyes smile
Forrest Gump
Thats all I have to say about tha....t