The advert when he cuts the childs hair himself and then goes to the hairdressers... shouting and waving his arms for the benefit of the woman sitting in the car outside..... to convince her its the hairdressers fault... when he's trying to correct his mistake..... lol
equi-princess xxx
That'll be Jimmy Nesbitt then.
Stuck in advert land along with Martin 'SCS Sofas' Kemp
and Sean 'uuur two' Bean.
best ad just now has to be for.........................
"Cillit Bank" with some guy who entroduces himself as "gary scott" (or something) before the product like we are meant to know who he is. Has anyone ever seen this Cillit Bang stuff??? the advert is so bad that i think it might be a joke.......
"bang" and the stains are gone........... lol
I think it's Barry Scott, not that I watch much tv...
yeah the ad for the honda is pretty sweet
especially sweet for 2 reasons too
1) i drive a honda
2) my band plays rappers delight, sort of merged in with another one bites the dust by queen
so yeah good call on that ad!
John West salmon ad where the bear gets kicked in the nuts. :sparring:
Have you seen the one with the 2 ducks...
Whats for tea?
I like bread with my fish.
ok.. go and get some brown bread then...
I like white bread....
ok.. get some hovis best of both....
That wont be cheap....... tell you what... i'll get the fish and you get the bread...
I said...... i'll get the fish and you get the bread....!!!!!!!!
Probably doesn't work on the flat screen.... but really funny when you see it.....
equi-princess xxx
Always found the Smash Aliens irritating rather than funny...
My favourite was the Carling Dambusters advert - maybe because I first saw it in a packed cinema and several bits brought the house down.
Or maybe it's a childhood full of making goggles with my hands and humming "Da, da da..." as we ran aroudn the playground...
One of my favorite adverts of all time is the Newcastle Exhibition beer advert where the two blokes go on holiday and fly back "by geordie air".
"Newcastle Exhibition, there's no compitition"
I like the BBC's one for freeview..........where all the heads are bouncing about and join together, also their ad about a year or so ago. it went with a scene of two people watching a drama on a sofa but they were sort of in the action and I think the man gets up to get a cuppa and falls of the cliff and it comes up at the end THE 1 BBC1 ....they pulled it because of complaints, they didn't understand it was an ad for the beeb or something and worried about the bloke falling off the cliff...........think I had to much sherry today
Actually, the one that uses the Clash 'I Fought the Law'. Dont know what its about, i just like the music