My pet hate is being called HUN.
It gives me nasty spine tingling
just dicovered another d.i.y :cry:
our pet hates not being fed on time :twisted:
"Sailing By"
This, for the uneducated out there, is the music that ends the broadcast, every night, on Radio 4. It sucks.
Yes, I try and turn it off before it starts, but if I am nodding off with the radio on 'sleep' sometimes it sneaks up on me.
The EU mate. thats the problem you see the size has now been standardised to fit the larger European gob.
The EU thats a pet hate of mine ( I am such a Viz reader at heart)
Sorry davej but you are wrong about toasters :shock:
The EU actually set up a Tzar on toasters whose job it was to set up a committee to undertake toaster slot size evaluation procedures in 1984.
Since then fifty seven separate European working groups, 23 quangos and an all party and country selsect body of mps has considered the whole issue.
Despite UKip putting the case for British toasters to remain independant the vote went against and in November last year the EU toaster directive white paper was released. There is now a consultation period of six months before the final draft summary and guidance is released
All being well the new toaster legislation will become law in early 2006 when a working party will be set up to legislate bread sizes
So far the cost to Europe has been ninety squillion euros and has employed 470 000 people for twenty years
money well spent I think you will agree :shock:
I always fancy 1 hunny!!!!! ;) lol