Whats the prefered age of the men or ladies that you would want to meet up for a good ol' swingin session? Keep in mind this the ideal age you want for your partner.
People rarely stick to one category - I certainly don't, so I'm not voting on this one
Sorry Begentle, I'm passing as well.
Having daughters, who are slightly less than twenty years old, would make me reluctant to have sex with a woman in that age group. That's a personal choice, I'm not criticising anyone my age (of either sex) who would or does. Apart from that, surely its down to the person not their age?
I know plenty of women, who are well into their fifties and sixties, who exude a sexy air and are fantastic lovers. That's not meant as a patronising ageist comment either. Those same ladies were attractive and had sex appeal when younger, age has not altered that.
Likewise, I couldn't tell you what turns me on, as a general rule. Its down to the person. How they talk, walk, dress, move, think, act, play, the list is endless. It has little to do with size, shape or age.
S'OK, I'll get back in me box again......
From my experiences, men under 30 have all the looks, the energy and the enthusiasm but not enough experience.
Men over 40 have the experience but not the enery and rarely the enthusiasm. Also this age group tend to be bogged down with responsabilities at work and at home, I dont want to be fit in between the school run and the next meeting!!
The 30 - 4- age group are fine until they join the "grown up world" and s get responsabilities like kids, promotion at work etc.
BTW Im 43, suppose that makes me old and past it anyway!
...and what's wrong with the "over 60's"?
i must agree with the others...age shouldnt be a boundary.
Funny how most people say that it doesnt matter, but it clearly does matter when you see the poll results (unless there is multiple voting of course). It is not always fair but people will always have some prejudices even if they don't want to admit it in public.
To Kitkat: when I was younger sleeping with women 20 years older than my taught me quiet a lot :twisted: , and so I dont see the problem with any age really so long as there is some sort of attraction.
Will be interesting to work out the average age on here though. Nice question.
(And no I haven't voted).
Can't do multiple voting... but only 18 have voted and this site has 3,000 members. The only postings are saying 'can't vote' so I would assume that those who did want to vote took their opportunity without comment.
*Goes off to look for a younger man to grace and liven up my old age. Where is that M6???*
Hi again,
Didnt mean to offend anyone, but I am still young enough to remember the frustration experienced when I was a young guy out looking for some fun. Wasn't easy to understand what seems like mixed messages and I was just trying to help put the original poster at ease.
Kitkat: Just assumed that you would have had more than one partner being on a swingers forum an all. Guess shouldn't be so quick to make judgements.
Without knowing the ages of the people casting the vote I'm not sure what this poll is actually telling us (if anything). Perhaps it's nothing more than just an indication of the average age of the people using the site.
With only 21 votes cast out of a membership of 3000+ people, age doesn't seem to figure very high on many people's priority list.
Although I have voted I also think that I go for a wider age than has been allowed on the vote, as said before it just depends on the people taking part and the situation they're in.
kute kitty xx
age is just a number as long as everyone has fun---