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When I write the book.....

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Everyone has a novel inside them.
I was reading to rules for writing on the Guardian website today and I thought about the old maxim that everyone has a novel inside them.
The trick is finding what it is.
So if you were going to write a novel, what would it be about?
My adventures with Bloke :giggle:
No, seriously, I am going to start writing this year - I've decided I'll aim to have some short stories published before I get onto the novel. It was my childhood ambition to be a best-selling author. I always wanted to write historical/fantasy/adventure-type books - knights in shining armour used to be my speciality and then I read David Eddings' The Elenium series and realised I would never be able to create another Sparhawk so why bother.
I'll find my voice, I hope.
Great link btw - I read the article yesterday.
Incidentally, instead of posting about the book I'm trying to write, I'll post about a book I started to write and failed. It was a love story. A story about a couple who met, fell in love improbably, and ran away to set up a hotel. It fell apart for two reasons, as a piece of writing. One was that I couldn't sort out where the plot was going, and how the structure was going to move between backstory and present day in order to maintain dramatic tension and make you like the people.
The second was I realised that the plot I had in my head was the plot of another novel, or close enough to it to distract me.
Funnily enough, a friend has read one of the chapters of the unfinished novel and rather liked it.
Mine would be semi-autobiographical. I have often started it and have written several chapters previously. It was read by my then partner who said that it would upset my estranged mother if published so I stopped. My mother is now dead so that isn't a barrier.
Perhaps I should start again. I think that I would need a good editor though as I get what I can only say is word blindness. What I mean by that is that when I have pressed 'submit' on anything previously I think it is perfect but when re-reading it I notice all sorts of mistakes, repeated words/phrases and it generally irritates me.
The 'semi' bit would mean that I could deny any truth in the things that upset people and smile enigmatically about the rest.
My reasoning behind the autobiographical bit is that I like to read biography's as I love to learn about people and how they think if it gives others that insight (not necessarily into me but A N other human being) then I can only think that as an asset.
Like Nola when little I wanted to be a published author and have had several pieces of work published. They have been political and social observations rather than stories but I want a book 'done' - race ya Nola.!!
Can't say I've ever wanted to write a novel but have done some short stories, the odd couple which have been published in small press zines. Think mine always seem to end up with a sexual horror element to them (mentioning that's gonna make me popular ain't There are so many subjects out there though...
Completely agree with splendid_ Some of the stuff you put down on paper seems great until you read it back to yourself later. In my case it just sounds naive & tacky now.
Think it also comes down to whether you're gonna be writing for yourself or a prospective publisher in terms of some content and subject matter...
I'd like to write and have academic research papers published. Be some kind of 'expert' that is summoned to the BBC for discussion programmes. smile
Quote by awayman
Everyone has a novel inside them.

And that is where most of them should stay.
I have ideas for several books for children - I'll write them when I have time. I've written a synopsis of one - don't know where it is though confused
Quote by TheLovelyOne
Everyone has a novel inside them.

And that is where most of them should stay.
Trouble is you'll never know which ones are worth the effort unless they're all set free and given a try. A bit like blokes really.
I keep planning on writing a a novel based on fact but never find the time to put it down in actual words, although a lot of it I already have in my mind.
Everyone keeps telling me that after planning a wedding you're stuck for stuff to fill your time with so I figure that may be later this year will be the time I start writing it smile
Otherwise I'll get Nola to write it for me :lol2:
Quote by little gem
I'd like to write and have academic research papers published. Be some kind of 'expert' that is summoned to the BBC for discussion programmes. smile

I had one academic paper published, and I was interviewed on Radio Four about the topic for a total of one minute.
Is that what you mean? :sad: