Swinging is growing,its becoming more popular by the day but when will we be able to admit it to family and friends without them possibly freaking out!.....will the day come when swinging is part of everyday life and the vanillas will be the minority.
is it not best to keep the status quo though? keep it all underground i say cos from past experience of other things not connected when it go's mainstream it will not be the same and die a death,it will be watered down over exposed and commercialised!! please please please never ever let this happen as it will be th death of the word "fun" as we know it.
theres my two penneth worth anyway,for what its worth lol
What with the X Factor, Stars in their Eyes etc, singing has never been so popular. In fact if you join your local choir, you'll find all sorts of wickedness going on.
Fun, normal, kinky....oh to be able to define those words.I feel swinging is far more acceptable to most "nilla" people, than BDSM.
Life is about choices. So long as its safe, sane and consensual between adults, my motto is live and let live.
"i may be a submissive, but i have a mind of my own....when he lets me "
dee xx
Why would you want to discuss your sex life with your family and friends? If I had kids I wouldn't want to discuss it with them, no matter how old they were. Nor my Aunty Sally, cousin Bill...Were you thinking of recruiting them in the fold? Surely what you get up to in the bedroom (or someone else's) is private?
Homosexuality is a little different - it is a way of life 24/7 - but swinging is a pastime, something you do with your partner, to improve/maintain your sex life. Would you want to tell your parents about tying your partner up and probing her with a dildo, watching her be screwed by a total stranger? Or that you seek out single men lurking at dogging sites? Would they want to know? Would they want to know that you spent the night romping around with Chris and Jenny from down the road? Would you want to know what your old mum was really doing at those Bridge meetings?
I find your wish a little odd, Da69ve.
Why publicise the fact that you seek sex outside the marriage? Surely the world is messed up enough without promoting this more? There are reasons why swinging is meant to remain clandestine....and IMHO it has always gone on - there was just never a need to shout about it.
The reality is that monogamous relationships are in the minority. Divorce rates are increasing.... most people cheat on their partners/spouses and some are open about it but most are not. In the future I think most people will accept multiple sexual partners but it wont be called swinging.
I was in a debate on another forum (Proudly holding our corner - fuck what people think) where several people believed that nearly every female swinging was OBVIOUSLY in an abusive, unstable and cruel relationship.
There were also a LOT of people who genuinely couldn't see the difference between couples swinging together and an affair (So, if you make the choice to swing as a couple you've given the girl* the go ahead to go after any man she pleases with or without you)
*Yes, it was a very one way sexist 'conversation'
That no straight man would voluntarily have anything to do with a MMF.
And so on.
I should add that it's a BIG forum and it seemed to echo the scary opinions of the average population. I don't think it's gonna happen soon - not until people figure out that because somebodies lifestyle is different doesn't automatically make it immoral or evil.
Sadly, we've still got a HUGE victorian hangover, despite how modern society feels. Why can't people just live and let live?