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When you're down what cheers you up again?

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With so many people feeling depressed, abused, or just leaving the forum for a while I pondered that question.
I was prompted by hearing Ewan McGregor on the radio this morning saying that no matter how bad a day he has, when he gets on his (motor) bike its all gone. Too much to concentrate on and it takes all his troubles away. I know there are a number of us bikers on here who will identify with that :twisted: Nothing like spending some time on two wheels.
I also like a good book, usually with a complex plot and completely divorced from reality - so Sci Fi can also do it for me.
Other things are music, and it depends what the subject of my depression is as to what I listen to - sometimes some very slow baroque such as Corelli, Bach or Pachelbel, or early Led Zeppelin in hard blues mode - Dazed and Confused is a sure winner for me.
So come on lets hear what works for everyone else.
PS This was inspired by lovely Libra-Love
A good film does it for me. Also shopping - or to be more specific, buying. Spending money is what does it. smile Traipsing from shop to shop and ending up buying nothing just gives me a feeling of failure. sad
and a bloody good night out with lotsa booze :twisted:
Quote by redstilletto
and a bloody good night out with lotsa booze :twisted:

snap little girl telling me she loves me....and buying things....oh and a good cuddle with mr hugs lol
The sound of a soft and gentle female voice saying Hello
and calling you by your Christian name xxx
Works wonders for me but then again I am easy to please x
Fred (aka Medic1)
Quote by Fred
The sound of a soft and gentle female voice saying Hello
and calling you by your Christian name xxx
Works wonders for me but then again I am easy to please x
Fred (aka Medic1)

hhhheeeeeeeeellllllooo fred
Quote by roger743
A good film does it for me.

Yep, I can go along with that. The trouble I have is that they're over so quickly and I get a weird feeling of 'the end of things', but then I am very strange ;-)
Err, the taste of a good, hot woman?
Yeah, sorry, I'm obsessed! smile
Err, and if that isn't available, I may be a guy but chocolate is always good :)
WBB :love:
I can not find the words hun xxxx
your very own Medic1
music,,most definately music. i can loose myself listening to a fave cd , it just seems to pick me up ,dust me down and put me back on the right track again
Quote by SpiritedAway
The trouble I have is that they're over so quickly and I get a weird feeling of 'the end of things', but then I am very strange ;-)

I know exactly what you mean.
No, not about you being strange! But about the odd feeling of 'the end of things'.
I thought it was just me smile
I like to secretly watch my kids at play. That unconcious, freespirited (ya like that? ) innocence does it for me every time :P
Also, lotsa bright light (on a dull day) music, shopping and running up my phone account to my best mate in the Middle East smile
that will be our 3 yr old twins,even tho its them who cause our depression with there constant moaning and fighting,but out of the blue they will say or do something that as us in stitches rotflmao
Personally beating the crap out of my kids works for me :giggle: wink
Cuddles with Steve works too :love:
a good vodka session with a bunch of friends...get drunk and set the world to every time and if someone was to bring along a good smoke as well then so much the better
a large jug of vodka and red bull
then im hypo for the rest of the evening yipee
:happy: :inlove: :2fingers: :taz:
Hi jakyladycple how's it going with the boobies babe? wink
the dozens of great people in Swining heaven.
after last night, i realises how many freinds i have got.
just before ya get ya hopes up, i'm not returning! just loged in to make sure ive not had any Pms... and i just had to reply to this one.
will one day return but that day in not today
To be honest?
Just the realisation that we live on such a beautiful planet and are lucky to be here - that we only get one go on this merry-go-round and no matter how bad things may appear, there are a hell of a lot of people in far worse/harder situations than any of us here are likely to ever find ourselves in.
Sound a bit dewey eyed and rose-tinted spectacles? Maybe, but I honestly believe, a lot of it is about 'perception'.
Quote by JGL
will one day return but that day in not today

Hmmm, a Gladiator fan perhaps?
to be honest a funny book does here are a few
~ "How to Write Big Books" by Warren Peace
~ "The Lion Attacked" by Claude Yarmoff
~ "The Art of Archery" by Beau N. Arrow
~ "Songs for Children" by Barbara Blacksheep
~ "Irish Heart Surgery" by Angie O'Plasty
~ "Desert Crossing" by I. Rhoda Camel
~ "School Truancy" by Marcus Absent
~ "I Lost My Balance" by Eileen Dover and Phil Down
~ "Positive Reinforcement" by Wade Ago
~ "Shhh!" by Danielle Soloud
~ "The Philippine Post Office" by Imelda Letter
~ "Things to Do at a Party" by Bob Frapples
~ "Stop Arguing" by Xavier Breath
~ "Come on In!" by Doris Open
~ "The German Bank Robbery" by Hans Zupp
~ "I Hate the Sun" by Gladys Knight
~ "Prison Security" by Barb Dweyer
~ "Irish First Aid" by R.U. O'Kaye
~ "My Career As a Clown" by Abe Ozo
~ "Here's Pus in Your Eye" by Lance Boyle
~ "I Didn't Do It!" by Ivan Alibi
~ "I Hit the Wall" by Isadore There
~ "The Bruce Lee Story" by Marsha Larts
~ "Split Personalities" by Jacqueline Hyde
~ "How I Won the Marathon" by Randy Hoelway
~ "The Human Brain" by Sara Bellum
~ "Please Don't Hurt Me" by I. Bruce Easily
~ "Life Through the Eyes of a Drunk" by Al Coholic
~ "Thirty yards to the outhouse" by Will E. Makeit
(illustrated by Betty Wont)
~ "The Proper Use of Sunscreens" by Justin Casey Burns
~ "How To Cure Scratching" by Ivan Awfulich
~ "Wynona Ryder Diaries" by Robin Stuff
~ "How To Save Time" by Terry A. While
~ "Get Moving!" by Sheik Aleg.
~ "Volunteer's Guidebook" by Linda Hand
hi libra
just fine today moving about abit more wow still sore only 2 days to unvailing
yippe cant wait hope they are what i wanted lol '
but could do with the full jug of vodka and red bull lol #
thank you
lots love
jaky xxxxxxx
boobjob experiments ( here<<<<<<<<<<)
A lady responding to my ad!
....Or even better the response from my response to her response!!
Quote by hornyred and dino
music,,most definately music. i can loose myself listening to a fave cd , it just seems to pick me up ,dust me down and put me back on the right track again

Yep, I have a whole bunch of songs that I use to 'pick me up'
If I get really cheesed off tho - its off over the forest with the kids for a bluddy good walk/play. We always have a brilliant time, end up filthy dirty, and usually wet if there's puddles/bog to jump over/in.
Gawd, this summer, my youngest fell off the rope swing head first into the river :shock: Good mother that I am, couldn't help her out for laughing! Poor kid rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
There's nothing quite like going to what feels like the middle of nowhere, with the two most treasured people in my life. No distractions, no gadgets - just us together. Really does give me an appreciation of what's important in my life.
Nothing but the sound of...........
can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog,
rolleyes :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Missy, that sounds such fun!
usually this place picks me up, but tonight I seem to be kinda stuck in unhappyville.
What puts life into perspective for me is to remember back, not so long ago, when I worked in admin in a Hospice.
One thing that I will always remember, is that those terminally ill people didn't have a choice of whether to live, but the rest of us do.
So live your life the way you want it to be.

Nothing but the sound of...........
can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog, can we get a dog,
rolleyes :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Yep Missy I am going through that one at the moment answer is ..of course you can ..look up taxidermists in yellow pages. :twisted: