my mother found me in the coal shed one frosty tuesday morning
I don't remember ever asking or being told. With elder siblings around I think you pick up stuff earlier than you otherwise would, my eldest (v gorgeous) niece is only a few years younger than me.
That said, we were a pretty disfunctional bunch.
I come from the little hole in the end,
I often heard my parents asking the very same question; this probably explains a lot about my lack of confidence.
My work mates also asked the same question: they realised they didn't know but unanimously agreed that it would be better for all if I buggered off back there.
I assumed that my wife believed I arrived riding on a white charger with tales of dragons freshly slain: in fact, when I recently asked her, she just looked puzzled and said she'd assumed 'I'd always been around- like Syphilis.'
The answer finally came from my aged Grandparents, who explained that I arrived with real roots: yes, they found me in a trailer load of turnips, fully formed and with an intellect completely in unison with the turnips.
So, at last I know: like slurry, foul smells and Big Macs....I originated in cattle fodder.