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Where did you come from ???

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I came from under the :bounce: gooseberry :bounce: bush... :!:
At least that's what my mum told me when I was 4...
Fine... seemed ok for a year or two... then I started wondering rolleyes .
How did I get there... wasnt I cold... we dont have a gooseberry bush... how did they know I was there... confused:
Then I realised... the penny had dropped... off I ran to my big sister in anxt to proclaim proudly..."I know where babies come from, they come out of your belly button"... biggrin
With wich she replied..."oh dont be so stupid , they come out your bum"... :eeek:
Interesting to know where you came from???
My mum told me once that she took her baby in a pram to the shops and got so flustered with the bags she had that she forgot the baby. redface
She got home and thought "Oh Shit" ran back to the shop and she swears that someone swapped me for her baby :cry: which is where I came from.
My little brother was swapped in the hospital at birth.
Quote by wales_cple
. Interesting to know where you came from???

Umm earlier tonight?
The pub - about 2 hours ago
Now just a bit concerned where I'm going ............ confused
Sex God
Quote by wales_cple
I came from under the :bounce: gooseberry :bounce: bush... :!:
At least that's what my mum told me when I was 4...
Fine... seemed ok for a year or two... then I started wondering rolleyes .
How did I get there... wasnt I cold... we dont have a gooseberry bush... how did they know I was there... confused:
Then I realised... the penny had dropped... off I ran to my big sister in anxt to proclaim proudly..."I know where babies come from, they come out of your belly button"... biggrin
With wich she replied..."oh dont be so stupid , they come out your bum"... :eeek:
Interesting to know where you came from???

LMFAO ...................... are we related? :shock:
Eagerland, and that's where I want to return to when it's time to go. :P
:rascal: :rascal:
Sex God
Why is it most of us came from under the gooseberry bush??? and I don't even like gooseberries rolleyes :roll:
I was dropped through the chimney by a stork who was carrying me by my oversized diaper. Must have smelled pretty bad for him to drop me but landed into a good family fortunately smile
"I come from Louisiana with a banjo on my knee..." (all together now)
Or, as a small child once rendered it "I come from wheezy Anna with a band-aid on my knee" lol
I think my mother's first answer was along the lines of 'from the fact it rains all the time in Colwyn Bay'.
Quote by EagerSlut
Eagerland, and that's where I want to return to when it's time to go. :P
:rascal: :rascal:

Sounds good rolleyes :roll: Tell me more wink
"Where did you come from ?"
It was Dads Bag, or was it Bagdad wink
The cabbage patch! (like the 80's toys, which I hated, and was most upset to think I came from the same place!)
Or the milkman. :shock: At least thats what my dad told me when they brought my little brother home and I asked where he came from. Well I wanted to keep the baby, so the next morning I waited for said milkman and offered him my pocket money (50p) for the baby that he gave my mummy! The poor man looked stunned, and my dad still laughs about it now!
THEY won't tell me.
I keep asking...
Where are my real parents, the rich ones?
What have you done with them?
Where did you adopt me from?
Are you aliens?
Did you abduct me when I was a baby?
They just won't say! rolleyes
What a lovely thread, light hearted, good natured. We need more of these please! biggrin
unfortunately at every Xmas that I get back over to see the family this story comes up after a few brandies!.
Turns out that my father sat me down one day after being interviewed by yours truly as to why mum's tum was getting bigger and following the repost he gave, where babies came from confused
Unfortunately during the conversation that followed, due to my dad's comlplete and utter inability to put things into a suitable language that a young fellow such as my self at the time could understand, I left with the impression, that...........................
Dad had given mum a seed, a bit like a seed that fell to the ground and grew!, that would grow into a baby in her tum and when it came for time to get it out, off mum's head would come, out would be pulled the baby, and mother's head would be stitched back on (hopefully the right way!),,,,,,,and so I would be a proud big brother! rolleyes
I've been psycologically scarred ever since :cry:
Do you know, i dont think i ever asked (not that I can remember anyway), i think i just always kinda knew, esp as my sister had a baby when i was six anyway (shes 20 yrs older than me btw lol).
What does this say about me?
I thought there was a shop where you went to get babies from. Nodoby ever told me this though, I just figured out that that was the case. I can remember pleading with my parents again and again to go and get a new baby brother or sister for me from the shop.
Just as well they didnt come from shops or Im sure my parents would have been looking for a refund!
My daughter once explained where babies come from ...... she said ........"There is a big conveyor belt in the sky and we all go along it and when it's our turn to be born God is there with a stamp and he stamps it on our tummies saying 'Your Done! Your Done! Your Done!' .. and that's how we get belly buttons!" ..... this is my fookin ex wife talking to her innit!!!!
Well I sported the nick name 'Johnny Walker' from my Dad for the first part of my life , as I was lets says unplanned due to over indulgence . So I spose strictly speaking im from Scotland :shock:
i dont know where i came from, all i know is, i was left on so many doorsteps, that people thought i was a jehova's whitness. :shock:
Warming the Bed
Mummy laid an egg!
Anyone else read this kids book, is vaguely amusing.
Warming the Bed
Quote by wales_cple
I came from under the :bounce: gooseberry :bounce: bush... :!:
At least that's what my mum told me when I was 4...
Fine... seemed ok for a year or two... then I started wondering rolleyes .
How did I get there... wasnt I cold... we dont have a gooseberry bush... how did they know I was there... confused:
Then I realised... the penny had dropped... off I ran to my big sister in anxt to proclaim proudly..."I know where babies come from, they come out of your belly button"... biggrin
With wich she replied..."oh dont be so stupid , they come out your bum"... :eeek:
Interesting to know where you came from???

Jeeerusaalem.....she cried as he finally exploded drenching her at the moment of her final orgasm.......where did you come from?
Blake was unsure about whether she wanted to know about his prowess or the fact he came from Manchester but was now living in Lancashire
Warming the Bed
Quote by Blake45
I came from under the :bounce: gooseberry :bounce: bush... :!:
At least that's what my mum told me when I was 4...
Fine... seemed ok for a year or two... then I started wondering rolleyes .
How did I get there... wasnt I cold... we dont have a gooseberry bush... how did they know I was there... confused:
Then I realised... the penny had dropped... off I ran to my big sister in anxt to proclaim proudly..."I know where babies come from, they come out of your belly button"... biggrin
With wich she replied..."oh dont be so stupid , they come out your bum"... :eeek:
Interesting to know where you came from???

Jeeerusaalem.....she cried as he finally exploded drenching her at the moment of her final orgasm.......where did you come from?
Blake was unsure about whether she wanted to know about his prowess or the fact he came from Manchester but was now living in Lancashire
And did those feet in ancient times...
I dont think mum and dad every told me where i came from and as they are both dead now im not going to bover about it now.
My brother came with a lady in the big snow storm in 1964
My sister turned up while i was in the isle of wight in 1968
Other than that who knows
Warming the Bed
when i asked my mom when i was 7 and she just said barrywhite
didnt get it till i was 18
Sex God
I came from mars sad
& my mum used to say i was the spawn of satan!!! :twisted:
my mum called me the "devil's child".... and my dad told me the "you're done" story... but then he also told me that power stations make the clouds, that hills are formed by giants jumping up and down, and instead of trying to explain perpsective told me that there's a little man in the belmont tv mast winding it up and down (if anyone doesn't get what I mean, as you drive through the hills to the innocent eyes of a child it appears to get larger and smaller depending on whether your'e at the top of a hill or bottom of a valley - made by mad giants remember)
Unfortunately I believed all these "facts" as a child... is there any wonder I turned out like I am?
Mrs M thinks i was cloned from a silly bugger. :shock:
Warming the Bed
According to my mates... I'm the product of a rancid egg and rotten sperm, mixed in a tube and buried in a cess-pit till I could crawl out and terrorise the world... Mum said I was found in the cabages on a cold april morning. Dad says I'm f**k all to do with him!!!
And they just laughed at the registration office when I asked for my birth certificate sad .