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where should I put my toys?

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7 watchers
ok, a serious question everyone, where do you keep your toys?
I have used 2 shoeboxes for a while (and some overspill into me drawers ;) ) but I find that the jelly based ones "leak" into the cardboard. and the big pink one even leaks into other dildos causing them to have pink spots! in an ideal world they'd all have their own little homes, but WHERE should I keep them, and where do you all keep yours.
I am of course assuming you all have equally large collections...
Perhaps someone could come up with some kind of zip case for these things with little compartments.......Where's Q when you need him??
hmmm i dont have a place for mine, in the bedside cabinet, under the pillow lalala i shud be more organised
We keep ours in travel cases but are having to look for something bigger now that valentines day is past :twisted: :twisted: It is a bugger when the jelly ones take on the colours of anything they come in contact with, they do look a bit yukky and the dye doesn't wash off of them easily.
We have met a very nice couple from here that are very organised with their toys, they have a weapons case and foam cut out bits for them. Doesn't hold much but looks very impressive smile they might tell you about it when they see this thread.
Gill x
now that sound cool!!! if a little OTT biggrin
Silky has a scary great wooden gothic chest , which im scared to open unless we have garlic and a cross !
what a wicked question when i tryed to find other peoples i could`nt
mine have no place to hide
Quote by nomis123
what a wicked question when i tryed to find other peoples i could`nt
mine have no place to hide

I wasn't trying to hide them, just protect them biggrin I don't think it's possible to hide a Rambone either redface not without some kind of aircraft hanger anyhoo!
Quote by lucyuktv2
ok, a serious question everyone, where do you keep your toys?
I have used 2 shoeboxes for a while (and some overspill into me drawers ;) ) but I find that the jelly based ones "leak" into the cardboard. and the big pink one even leaks into other dildos causing them to have pink spots! in an ideal world they'd all have their own little homes, but WHERE should I keep them, and where do you all keep yours.
I am of course assuming you all have equally large collections...

Have you thought of keeping your dildos/buttplugs and vibrators in see through sandwich bags? This way they stay clean and dust free. Nipple clamps and small items can all be kept in a jewellery box. Lubricants and assorted bottles are best kept in low baskets (so they are easy to reach and store and you don't have to move every single item to get to the one you want). Disinfectant wipes, condoms and first aid items can be kept in a zip bag (of the type you'd put your cosmetics or bath essentials in). Large items that must maintain their shape are better left hanging inside the wardrobe as are clothes, naturally.
never thought of bags, may try it. although a lot of mine would be too big for sandwich bags!
if you dont know where to put em now you never will wink seriously tho , we keep em in the top of the wardrobe .
hmmmm best place to keep toys!! heheheheheehehe need I say more! :twisted: lol
Quote by fruity1976
hmmmm best place to keep toys!! heheheheheehehe need I say more! :twisted: lol

ummm yes! I have about 30 of the blighters so if you are thinking what I think you are then no chance!!
Quote by Tania
condoms and first aid items can be kept in a zip bag

First aid??? :shock:
Quote by lucyuktv2
hmmmm best place to keep toys!! heheheheheehehe need I say more! :twisted: lol

ummm yes! I have about 30 of the blighters so if you are thinking what I think you are then no chance!!
hehe cant you stick one here and one there!! You need some more bodies to store them in perhaps :lol:
Quote by fruity1976
hmmmm best place to keep toys!! heheheheheehehe need I say more! :twisted: lol

ummm yes! I have about 30 of the blighters so if you are thinking what I think you are then no chance!!
hehe cant you stick one here and one there!! You need some more bodies to store them in perhaps :lol:
good plan. do we have some volunteers to move to Portsmouth and hold my toys?
hehe dammit too far away!! But you caould always send them up here and ill help look after them for you biggrin
All of mine are in the drawer next to my bed..... :P Then they are in easy reach....
but all I can say is....
Thank heaven for sandwhich bags! wink
Quote by lucyuktv2
never thought of bags, may try it. although a lot of mine would be too big for sandwich bags!

Use freezer bags then. I get mine from Lidl at a good price but if your toys are supersized... well, you'll just have to hunt around for bigger bags smile
Quote by Silk and Big G
condoms and first aid items can be kept in a zip bag

First aid??? :shock:
Yes, first aid... in case something goes wrong. It depends on the level one plays of course but you can get angry welts from caning which will need care to heal quickly, you can get bruises from too much squeezing of bodily parts, rope burns, cuts from using nipple clamps/clothes pegs, blood from play piercing - need I go on? Even if you don't play at that level, you can still irritate piles and cause bleeding which will need cleaning with water and attention with Anusol.
Quote by cool4catz
never thought of bags, may try it. although a lot of mine would be too big for sandwich bags!

This sort of thing be big enough?

Quote by lucyuktv2
ok, a serious question everyone, where do you keep your toys?
I have used 2 shoeboxes for a while (and some overspill into me drawers ;) ) but I find that the jelly based ones "leak" into the cardboard. and the big pink one even leaks into other dildos causing them to have pink spots! in an ideal world they'd all have their own little homes, but WHERE should I keep them, and where do you all keep yours.
I am of course assuming you all have equally large collections...

In bottom drawer in a big cloth bag am sure they have been 'discovered' many times now but probably should get a box or two for under the bed!
Cathy x
Warming the Bed
my go in my bedside cabinet even though i need to replace most of them as there have broke wink still have there uses though cool
Warming the Bed
Ours live in an ottoman by the bed. We didn't know about the jelly ones 'leaking' colour until now. Just as well all of our are stored, boring as it is, in the plastic packaging they came in. That's the advantage of having a great big wooden box to keep them in.
We keep ours in a cardboard box on top of the wardrobe...classy eh??
Minx xx
If jellies are leaking... does that mean they are also leaking inside body cavities? If so, then how do we know they are safe? Never had any jellies in my arsenal so have no experience of that. Can someone advise?
Mine are in cloth bags in the cupboard above the bed
Quote by Tania
If jellies are leaking... does that mean they are also leaking inside body cavities? If so, then how do we know they are safe? Never had any jellies in my arsenal so have no experience of that. Can someone advise?

it's days before it happens, I assume they are perfectly safe if used for less than 6 hours or so.
and I can't imagine using one for over 6 hours!
I have a couple of neat little hiding places - bring them round and I'll show you wink
I keep mine in my (large) bottom drawer but the nipple clamps usually end up living under my pillow ... I like to think of them as the tit fairies. sillyhwoar: