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Where were you when........

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I suppose every generation has there 'where were you when....' moments in their lifetimes.
My most memorable, 'where were you when time' was the Attacks on the Twin Towers....I was doing the school run (or should I say walk) and had missed it on the news, but called into a card shop for a birthday card and it was the woman in the shop that told me about it, then my mother in law rang to say a plane had hit the pentagon.
and before that finding out that Princess Diana had been killed in Paris....when my 4 year old came to tell me childrens telly wasnt on, and some silly man was reading news on all the channels, so I went to see what was going on and saw what had happened.
I was to young/not a Beatles fan to be interested when Lennon got shot and only 6 when Elvis died, so they would have to be my main ones
What were yours, and what were you doing when you heard the news?
I remember the day after john Lennon died, but mine would definately be the twin towers. I was at work and the secretary came back from lunch and said "a plane has hit the twin towers". I just imagined it was a light aircraft, but we tried to look at the news sites and nothing was working, then I managed to see a tiny little banner of them with this huge plane, me and my boss just sat there and looked at each other and said "that can't be right".
Then my mate phoned me and said "are you watching the news? one of the twin towers has fallen down". I was just like "nah, you're mistaken, they're huge" - I thought he was just confused, I'd been there a couple of months earlier and stayed in a hotel opposite and was inside the twin towers a lot. shocking.
Wasn't until I got home that I realised the full extent of what had happened.
When Elvis died, I'd got out of the bath and was brushing my hair, sat in our front room. The newsflash came on the telly and we were all gobsmacked. My mum cried.
When Lockerbie happened, I was recovering from an operation on my foot and saw it on the telly.
When Lennon died, I saw it on the news. Just watching the telly at the time.
When Diana died, I was clubbing in Sheffield. The music stopped and the DJ announced the news.
When the Twin Towers were hit, I saw it on the internet, whilst browsing the news sites.
The twin towers? I watching every sad moment on T.v :sad: I seem to have the knack of watching the T.V just as shit happens :sad: i was watching in disbelief as while watching the one tower burning away the other got hit :sad: I watched transfixed as the pople jumped out of windows choosing, out of the few options they had,how they died :cry: I watched as the people lined up crying and screaming at the windows as the helicopters flew within a couple of hundred meters of them, soon so soon to be dead leaving their mums dads brothers sister sons and daughters in such pain :cry:. I watched as one tower toppled then the other giving merciful release to those inside but taking with them the hundreds of brave men who had fought to get into the towers to save them :sad: I was morbidly transfixed for 10 hours following the whole episode of tragedy not able to move myself away :cry:
The horror in the knowledge that these people were having their precious lives ended under the universal gaze of the world made the fact of the happening so much more awful to me. the impotence of being 1000's of miles away, let alone being actually there watching, marring my mind for ever.
Mot many events do this to me, this one did. :sad:
i dont think anything hit me like the 2001 daytona 500.
the final lap in the final the field raced towards the chequered flag you heard a crash in turn 4 that made the massive crowd gasp and the commentators voices jump.
Very soon after the crash something just wasnt right, the crowd went silent and the commentators just waited for the driver to get out of the car.
Its a horrible pause that you experience as you wait to find out what has crash repeated on the big screens and still you can hear people stunned by the impact.
Everyone was just waiting and waiting.
We all knew something wasnt right and on sunday we got the news we didn't want to hear.
' as a result of the crash in the final turn on the final lap of sunday's daytona 500. We've lost Dale Earnhardt'
i can still feel the cold running over my it will remain with me until they put me in the ground.
the twin towers ... i was on my way home from work and heard it on the radio, i stopped the car for a minute as i was overwhelmed by what i was hearing, i got home and put the telly on and a few minutes later i saw the 2nd plane hit the tower and then the towers collapse
princess di ....i had just got up to go work and put the radio on low as i got dressed and heard it on there, then put the telly on and watched the news untill i went work, we had the telly on all day at work listening to it
dunblane ... i was waiting outside school for my children and another mum started talking to me about it, when we got home we watched it on telly
I had just arrived back from the school run and the first tower had already been hit - saw the second one being hit and remember just being in utter shock. I thought the first one was a terrible accident until the second one ... I was utterly horrified at the whole dreadful event unfolding live in front of me! I don't think I've ever seen anything that has affected me quite as much as that did.
Diana's death - it was my third daughter's 10th birthday and I was up to get things ready for her bouncy castle party planned for later that day. I switched on the TV just in time to see Tony Blair in his black trench coat delivering the awful news. A short while later, the guy who hired the bouncy castles rang to cancel so, naturally, the party was called off. I think my daughter was as upset about that as Diana's death which might sound shallow but she WAS only 10.
The day of the Twin Towers i had just got back from holiday the night before (flying) and my parents were still out there due to come back 3 days later, bringing on lots of worry if they would get home But i think i was washing etc..
The morning/night princess diana died i was doing a paper round and found out about 6am when i went to the newsagents
Both shook me massively
I was at my works H/O in Surrey when the twin towers got hit, I remember driving home in near silence past Heathrow Airport, trying to make sense of what we were hearing on the radio.
I was 16 when Diana died and I remember putting on the t.v thinking why is the news on at this time of the day.
I remember the Lockerbie Aircrash and the horror of Dunblane*, but being a youngster I can't remember much of it only that, I was terrified to go to school for age after!, and didn't want to fly just incase our plane was targeted!!.
Twin towers - was at work - heard it on the radio - logged on to msn to see if my US friends were ok - was three weeks before we heard they were ok.
Diana - watched the news flash in my hotel room around 4am - just got back from a wedding reception in Ripon.
Lockerbie - heard it on the radio - cant remember what I was doing - just went into panic as my friend worked in a garage there!
Kings Cross Fire - Watched that on the news - was in right tizzwaz as my kids were visiting London with their Aunt and they weren't home yet...and no mobiles then!
I remember watching the news in black and white the first woman to be tarred and feathered by the IRA (?) I was about 9 yrs old - I had measles and was snuggled up on the sofa watching it with horror.
Rivers of blood Speech - really had an impact on me - was just a kid and didn't understand what it meant - was worried cos I though my cousins and uncle etc would be sent to another land.
The death of my hero Barry Sheene.
Of course the twin towers is a time I will never forget but for me, Barry Sheene was my idol since I was old enough to remember.
An inspiration and a fantastic racer. To die so young was tragic. He will always be my hero, and will never be replaced.
Good on ya Barry, wherever you are.
Quote by anais

Kings Cross Fire - Watched that on the news - was in right tizzwaz as my kids were visiting London with their Aunt and they weren't home yet...and no mobiles then!

My dad walked out of that without any injuries.
Quote by Freckledbird

Kings Cross Fire - Watched that on the news - was in right tizzwaz as my kids were visiting London with their Aunt and they weren't home yet...and no mobiles then!

My dad walked out of that without any injuries.
omg frex :thrilled: worship :angel: kiss
Quote by Bonedigger

Kings Cross Fire - Watched that on the news - was in right tizzwaz as my kids were visiting London with their Aunt and they weren't home yet...and no mobiles then!

My dad walked out of that without any injuries.
omg frex :thrilled: worship :angel: kiss
Glad to hear - it was horrific!
I have a real fear of fire! Would be my worse nightmare...
We were on holiday in Tenby when Elvis died. We walked back into the caravan after an evening out and my uncle just said "Elvis is dead". We were gobsmacked.
It was my daughters 10th birthday when Diana died, she came into our bedroom in the morning and told me my mum was on the phone. All my mum could tell me was that Di had died and i just kept thinking "oh no, of all the days it has to be Helens birthday". Went to the American Adventure and the atmosphere there was sooo strange. There was a really bad thunderstorm and all the rides had to be stopped, we were given free tickets to go back again the following week. I cried the whole day of her funeral tho, it was so upsetting.
Twin Towers - had just picked up youngest son from nursery and put the tv on and there it was... so devastating and really unbelievable.
Dunblane - i cant remember what i was doing but i do remember my little girl had just started school and kept thinking how i would feel if it had been her... another awful event.
Suze xxx
When Elvis died I was in a nightclub and the DJ announced it. We were all in a state of shock but surely there was no valid reason to play Elvis songs for the rest of the night?
Twin Towers - I was working in a nursing home and it was on the news just as we were serving lunch. Despite a lot of the residents being dementia sufferers, they knew the severity of what was going on and we were all stunned into silence.
When Diana was killed, I was home and my sis had just called over. She told me as she'd heard it on the news. I just couldn't believe it but even theough she was still alive when the news broke, I knew she wouldn't survive long.
Quote by Bonedigger
I suppose every generation has there 'where were you when....' moments in their lifetimes.
My most memorable, 'where were you when time' was the Attacks on the Twin Towers....I was doing the school run (or should I say walk) and had missed it on the news, but called into a card shop for a birthday card and it was the woman in the shop that told me about it, then my mother in law rang to say a plane had hit the pentagon.
and before that finding out that Princess Diana had been killed in Paris....when my 4 year old came to tell me childrens telly wasnt on, and some silly man was reading news on all the channels, so I went to see what was going on and saw what had happened.
I was to young/not a Beatles fan to be interested when Lennon got shot and only 6 when Elvis died, so they would have to be my main ones
What were yours, and what were you doing when you heard the news?

the Diana one was odd because I had to be in early... radio 1 were playing somber music and i remember that the 8 o'clock news with the block from radio 4 doing the news.... i am sure i had to do a double take to make sure.....I don't think i had one person in our branch all day... this being one of the busiest stores in the country....
the 9/11 attack was my first day working for american express.... we got called into an office.... American's and those with relatives in new york first.....told us what had happened and offered us the rest of the day off......
When I heard about the King's Cross fire I was almost physically sick. Apart from the enormity of the tragedy, I had been using that same station only a week before. I had taken my son to London for a few days as a treat and our hotel was around the corner from the station and we used it every day.
I've always had a fear of underground places but after that I began to have panic attacks. Even now I'll put on a brave face though inside it's hell. I can't begin to imagine how those poor people felt in there
we were in france on holiday when the princess of wales died and missed all the mass hysteria! Didn't know it had happened for almost a week.
I remember clearly hearing that the Labour leader, John Smith, had died. I was out shopping in Norwich and honestly shed a tear or two.
When the shooting happened in the Dunblane school is the only time I've ever really been shocked. It's too close to reality, involves children and idiots with guns, and worst of all was at a place of innocence and safety.
when princess diana died i had not long since got in from the pub with mr wadefun when we heard it on a newsflash about three in the morning. when we got up the following morning had to watch the news to check we had not been hearing things. i remember being in total shock cos it's the last thing that you think that you'll hear
9/11 i got a phonecall from mr wadefun telling me to switch on the tv and watch what was happening i just switched on as the second plane hit i, thought i was seeing a repeat of the first untill he told me that it was another one hitting the second tower i remember total shock and tears rolling from my eyes as i watched it unfolding in front of me.
i remember also on the news the labour leader john smith had died i don't know why but i burst into tears i wasn't into pollitics or anything like that but i actually believed the man. i just remember thinking that he was a man that would have done great things , maybe he would have maybe he wouldn't we'll never know.
Echoing others - I happened to be working at home when the Twin Towers were hit, and saw, as millions of others must have done, the awful surreal spectacle unfold on the box, if it had been a disaster movie I'd never have believed it possible..
And like so many other I suspect, no sleep was to be had that night. I kept thinking of footage of an old grainy Fire Prevention Training Video which I'd been shown a while back, where as a fire burnt in a Brazilian tower block, a guy desperately tried to escape by climbing down, and of course slipped and fell .....
But ending on a very much lighter note, my earliest TV memory would be watching the Moon Walk in 1969 aged about 4 family gather round a black and white set
1976 Day my mum died: at home with my friends.
1978 Day my sister died : on my way to work.
On my way back to work after lunch when my friend text me about the twin towers, I thought it was part of a joke, rang her and asked for the punchline.....
couldnt believe it was true.
Spent most of the afternoon in work watching news with my boss.
I remember Princess Dianas funeral,stayed in crying most of the day.
And on a lighter note.........................
my daughter being born. Ok I know its not quite the post topic "where were you when"
But its one day in my life I cherish. {labour pains,emergency caeserian etc lol }
two previous posters have commented on noting the death of John Smith and I'll add to that. What a wonderful man he was and sadly missed.
I clearly remember when Thatcher was driven away from number 10. I was on my second or third bottle of champage, celebrating!
When Diana died, I was in bed watching the TV and remember being being in great shock.
The twin towers - me and my friends were stood outside college having a fag and one of my friends got a call from a her bf saying a plane had gone into a sky scraper in America. We thought it was a joke lol After college, I went to Maccy D's and they had Sky news on showing in.
They're the only two memorable things for me.
Miss Cream xxx
diana's were travelling back from a swingers club in northampton when we heard the news n the radio about 1ish that diana had been injured in a car crash in and the driver were dead but diana was seriously injured and had sustained concusion,a badly gashed leg and something else but was said at that time she was rushed home and put the tv on and all seemed ok as much as it could be so after an hr we went up put the tv on was surprised to see the ppl talking about diana in past tence ???????.we then found out she had died about 4 in the not a date we are ever likely to forget as she died on our wedding aniversary.
twin towers.i was watching tv and had just nipped to the shop .when i came back i saw this plane hitting this big building and i just sat down thinking a film had just only when it cut to the news that i realised i was watching something that was very real .like most ppl i followed the story all day and its horrifying conclusion of the twin towers crummbling to the the most shocking thing i am ever likely to see
Lady Di - Heard on the radio early in the morning coming back from a friends 21st birthday party. I remember crying and just feeling so sad for her boys.
Twin Towers I was at work and it was again a very sombre day.