If we are still in Singapore, its not Boogie Street but Orchard Towers you should be worried about!!!!
Sorry Sgt but my god the donkeys have got a lot bigger!!
I'm still a far east man myself but the action in Dhubai is quite good as well.
naaawwww dave you're havin' a giraffe . . . i mean a laff mate!
if it's spring fresh wind dried laundry yer after, you want a deer mate. a great big ginormous rutting stag of a deer. think about it . . . they don't chop their heads off to make hatstands for nowt you know. get a full load on a pair of antlers no bother.
yer giraffe on the other hand, would make a great slide for the kids. all the rage in them adventure playgrounds is yer giraffe. just teach it to kneel down a bit, stick a stepladder up against it's head and a mattress under it's backside, hours of fun for all the family. and bet you could maybe teach the elephant how to fill the paddling pool up just so it's got summat to do. have all the kids round that will!
neil x x x ;)
I really must point out that a rutting stag is no good for spring fresh wind dried laundry as firstly the rutting season for deer is in September/October and secondly, stags loose their antlers in the spring anyway!!!
If the giraffe is being used as a slide - not such a bad idea by the way - maybe the washing line could be placed between the elephant's tusks when it is not filling the paddling pool?
Alternatively, why not try a moose?