voice gets on your nerves , i mean really irritates the hell out of you? my worst two are Sharon Osbourne and Willie Carson . Quite like Sharon Osbourne but her voice , AAAAGGGH!!! .
The guy who does that double glassing advert...."you buy one you get one free.....I said you buy one you get one free!".....his voice gets on my tits....and Michael Winner in those insurance ads!..."Calm down dear its just a bloody ad!"
That orange bloke from the antiques show :huh:
You cant criticise Sharon Osbourne!
My God!
The talentless bitch
theres a very VERY annoying c*%t on Bootsale Challenge that talks like finger nails on a black board.
Fucking singing bitch, the daughter of that bloody bitch who used to present Blee Pewter.