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Which Club In Yorkshire?

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Wel it looks like we are going to loose our swinging virginity! After about 2 or 3 years talking about it we have decided to maybe try a club initially just to see how things go.
We live in North Notts, can anyone recommend a club we might try in say the Leeds area or maybe a little closer to home (Yorkshire / Notts). We dont want to bump inot anyone we know to start with LOL.
I have to admit we are both very nervous about this but we are in a very strong relationship and we feel that it wont do it any harm. Has anyone got any 'I wish I handnt done that' type stories or words of warning?
TIA Bobbie and Mick
Isis is in Leeds I think, but if you look in the clubs and parties bit of the site, there are other clubs in the North, some of them with reviews.
Thanks for the swift answer, I forgot to say I had loked at the reviews of some of our local clubs but they seem a little out of date, or there arent many recent ones for most of them. I was worried that things may have changed and I would hate to arrive somewhere only to find out the place was not as good as it looked.
I'm just wanting our first try to go off well, Im sure you understand smile
Quote by bobbie2
Thanks for the swift answer, I forgot to say I had loked at the reviews of some of our local clubs but they seem a little out of date, or there arent many recent ones for most of them. I was worried that things may have changed and I would hate to arrive somewhere only to find out the place was not as good as it looked.
I'm just wanting our first try to go off well, Im sure you understand smile

Absolutely, I'm sure there will be other members who will be able to give you more up-to-date reviews. It's possible that you may have to wait though as lots of them may be recovering from last night's munches and meets.
Quote by bobbie2
Thanks for the swift answer, I forgot to say I had loked at the reviews of some of our local clubs but they seem a little out of date, or there arent many recent ones for most of them. I was worried that things may have changed and I would hate to arrive somewhere only to find out the place was not as good as it looked.
I'm just wanting our first try to go off well, Im sure you understand smile

i am going to try isis in leeds in a few weeks time myself... from what i hear it is suppose to be a nice place...but if it going to be a while before you go then i will certainly give you a heads up on what it is like....
sean xxxxxxxxxxxx
I look forward to hearing what you think, thanks. We are in no great rush, well ...... a bit of a rush but we want it to be good when it happens :twisted:
You could always try la chambre, in Sheffield
Couples Nights (Saturdays)
Mixed nights (Friday and Sunday)
We have been members of La Chambre for four years now, and would recomend you try a saturday night there. It's a fun place and very friendly.
Good lick