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Which eye are you?

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The 'which hand' thread reminded me about this.
Most people use one eye far more than the other.
To find out which eye is stronger look at a fixed point about 10 feet away with both eyes open. Cover one eye without blinking. Did you have to move the eye to stay looking at the point?
Open both eyes again and the cover the other eye. Did you have to move that eye to see the point?
Whichever eye you have to move is the weaker one.
When you aim, you should keep both eyes open to stay aware of what is around you. Regardless of which hand you are, your gun or bow/arrow should be offered up to your stronger eye for aiming or you will struggle to aim correctly.
People with even eyes will tend to struggle to aim with both eyes open without getting double vision.
I cheated didnt test the theory the glass in my spectacles lets me know the left eye is alot weaker that the other cool
Quote by TanKinky
I cheated didnt test the theory the glass in my spectacles lets me know the left eye is alot weaker that the other cool

I'm the same. Really bad right eye. Makes shooting a rifle dangerous - my arm is right under where the casing pops out - and they're chuffing hot!.
My left eye is stronger than my right eye, but I sight with my right.
What does than mean the right has been over used?
i'm ambidextrous in my eyes. pity my eyesight is shot to shite :giggle: loon
nothin moved does that mean im blind?
Quote by
My left eye is stronger than my right eye, but I sight with my right.
What does than mean the right has been over used?

No, but you need to start masturbating with the other hand to try to even out the blindness caused by over-indulgence. :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Quote by foxylady2209
My left eye is stronger than my right eye, but I sight with my right.
What does than mean the right has been over used?

No, but you need to start masturbating with the other hand to try to even out the blindness caused by over-indulgence. :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:Thanks, I will get started on that now.
...are there any god pics on your profile?
hmmm... will have to think.
Using the gun-principal, I have no conclusive result, tending to shoot from the hip
i use me right eye as its stronger then me left as left eye is lazy lol
what happens if you only have one eye or three eyes rotflmao
Most definatly left eye dominant...
Quote by foxylady2209
When you aim, you should keep both eyes open to stay aware of what is around you. Regardless of which hand you are, your gun or bow/arrow should be offered up to your stronger eye for aiming or you will struggle to aim correctly.

So why do the MOD make lefthanded firers fire right handed!!! & put them at a disadvantage ??
Or does the SA80 accomadate left handed firers now?
does the SA80(2) fire left handed? Yes if you want a hot casing in your face/right arm. Then again, I don't use them.
I know at least one weapon expels the casing straight down - making it ambidextrous (ambitriggerous?).
But most that eject send the casing out to the right - ahead of the right hand that's squeezing the trigger. If you gave to swap hands (in my case because I have to swap eyes) then you have to tuck your right arm right under the weapon to avoid the burn. It screws up your aiming if you aren't used to it. Firing left or right handed itself isn't hard - all you have to do is squeeze the trigger. So so long as you have a right hand, a left-hander firing right handed shouldn't have much of a problem - especially after training.