... do you sleep on, and why?
This might be just the heat and exhaustion, but......
I've found that with my g/f and I, when we sleep together in the same bed I always end up on the side between her and the bedroom door (being the gentleman and offering her a choice of side). Even in uni with the ridiculously small beds I always ended up on the side nearest the door, and quite often falling on the floor too. If however, the bed faces the door head on so there's no one side nearer than the other, then she'll decide on a side based on an unknown number of factors.
I myself, prefer to sleep with my back to the wall, facing the door as I feel more comfortable. So far I've never slept with her closer to the door than me. Is this a peculiar habit or is it a common thing for most couples?
Ex hubby told me it is a protection thing!!! The man sleeps nearer the door so that he can protect woman if someone breaks in.
I now sleep all over the bed, regardless of who I am sharing it with - maybe I am just a greedy sod!!!!!!!!
Same here, right and nearest to the door
We never sleep together! :shock: Thats naughty and a sin!
I'm left handed so therefore I sleep on the left hand side, looking up from the bed
Always the right side of the bed, away from the door.
on the left, i always have done, although friday nite i wont be alone in it so i guess i'll be in the middle :twisted:
I always like to sleep on his left side, left of the bed from the top, and cuddle up till we drift off to sleep.
If I'm on my own, which I am most of the week, pillows in the middle and me in the middle.
But this can also depend on where any cats that have sneeked in sleep, last one at someone's house, slept on top of me, with his paws about 2 " from my face.