This is one of those big 'IF' things...
Imagine the world has moved on and we are globally governed. In a bazaar attempted to control greed the government have declared certain items as luxuries:
1 - Owning a car/motorbike or any other motor vehicle.
2 – Television & Music (including films, dvd, video)
3 - Internet access (which now prohibits the screening or downloading of films, videos, music etc)
4 - Telephones - landlines and mobiles.
Our new laws state we may have no more than two luxuries. To comply with the new law, which two would you choose to loose and why?
I'd ditch the car! I hate driving! I'd also ditch my phone as it's just annoying! But... could I get online with no phone lines? Would the new government offer a wireless alternative?
I'd ditch the car......i gather they would be providing a better cheaper transport service for this sacrifice.
And i could live without a phone/mobile .....just revert back to the good old fashion letter writing.....or just use internet to communicate.
Easy! Get rid of the car and the phone!
I would keep...
Television & Music (including films, dvd, video) - I would find it tough to live without music.
Internet access - I can still learn boring facts and keep in touch with people.
I wouls chose to join the heroic freedom fighters who would save the world from this totalitarian regime. We would expose this as a plot masterminded by big business and fight for justice at great personal risk.
my car has a phone in it...does that count as 2 :confused2:
The car and phone would go without a doubt! I couldn't live without music playing at some stage during the day and I could chat with my mates online instead of using the phone. PLUS those annoying cold calling bastards couldn't ring me anymore! Sorted !!!! :thumbup:
since i don't drive anyway and slave on public transports you just saved me a couple of grand learning and buying a car... thanks!!!!
if i can still speak to people using messenger... then the phone can go as well......
i could live without the tv.... but couldn't live without a radio strangely....
Keep the internet and a car. Couldn't work or do much without my car and I can manage without telly and 'phone.
Why have Telly and Music got ot be wrapped up together. I could ditch the telly but not the music.
I guess it'd have to be the car and the phone... but on the other hand......
I'd ditch the TV and the phone because I hardly watch TV and as most people have the internet I could keep in touch that way (plus there's always ;) )
Minx x x
I would keep 2 & 3 . With a good public transport system who needs a car. With the Internet & instant messenger who needs a phone.
Communication and entertainment.
If I have to loose another I will keep the Internet and make my own entertainment.
telly i never watch it anyway
I'd ditch the car and television.
Would be a hard decision as I love music but can always sing badly to keep myself entertained. I rarely ever watch Television so wouldn't even miss it. Might miss the dvd though... As for the car, well, I only use it a few times a week as I walk most places and use public transport.
I'd keep the net as it's always a possible business solution if I needed to make some cash to survive and ditto the phone line as I could not go without communication.