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Who did it????

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4 watchers
Right who did it?? :eeek: :eeek: :eeek:
Don't look at me all innocent-like. Someone did it and I aim to get to the bottom of it :shock: :shock: :shock:
Someone has sneaked into my wardrobe and taken an inch off the waist of all my trousers!!
It was done sometime over the Christmas Period because they all fitted fine before then.
Has anyone else been a casualty of the Phantom Trouser Waist Decliner???? confused :? :? :?
it was me :cry: I'm trying to get enough fabric for a new dress and took a shine to your trousers, forgive me...
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Right who did it?? :eeek: :eeek: :eeek:
Don't look at me all innocent-like. Someone did it and I aim to get to the bottom of it :shock: :shock: :shock:
Someone has sneaked into my wardrobe and taken an inch off the waist of all my trousers!!
It was done sometime over the Christmas Period because they all fitted fine before then.
Has anyone else been a casualty of the Phantom Trouser Waist Decliner???? confused :? :? :?

rotflmao :laughabove: :rotflmao: :laughabove: :rotflmao: :laughabove:
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Right who did it?? :eeek: :eeek: :eeek:
Don't look at me all innocent-like. Someone did it and I aim to get to the bottom of it :shock: :shock: :shock:
Someone has sneaked into my wardrobe and taken an inch off the waist of all my trousers!!
It was done sometime over the Christmas Period because they all fitted fine before then.
Has anyone else been a casualty of the Phantom Trouesr Waist Decliner???? confused :? :? :?

Hi Sarge,
I had a similar problem a couple of years ago, I used to have my shirts tailor made to be a good tight fit for my 44" chest and 32" waist.
Some miserable bastard had been sneaking in during the summer and altered them to 32"chest and 44" waist. It's taken me ages to alter my shape so they fit again.
Casanova and Drunk of this Parish. hump drinkies
Right who did it?? :eeek: :eeek: :eeek:
Don't look at me all innocent-like. Someone did it and I aim to get to the bottom of it :shock: :shock: :shock:
Someone has sneaked into my wardrobe and taken an inch off the waist of all my trousers!!
It was done sometime over the Christmas Period because they all fitted fine before then.
Has anyone else been a casualty of the Phantom Trouser Waist Decliner???? confused :? :? :?

The same bloke has broken into my house too!!!!!
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Right who did it?? :eeek: :eeek: :eeek:
Don't look at me all innocent-like. Someone did it and I aim to get to the bottom of it :shock: :shock: :shock:
Someone has sneaked into my wardrobe and taken an inch off the waist of all my trousers!!
It was done sometime over the Christmas Period because they all fitted fine before then.
Has anyone else been a casualty of the Phantom Trouser Waist Decliner???? confused :? :? :?

After seeing you in your best going out trousers and if all your others are the same style then I'm guessing it's someone who goes bungee jumping and can't afford elastic. Who else would go to the trouble of nicking an inch out of every pair of jogging bottoms youve got.
Make a cut in the back of the trousers to give you more room to do them up in the front. lol Then put a suit jacket on to cover up the tear at the back and pray that sitting down does not tear them all the way down your bum :lol:
Typical bloke rolleyes lol
I bet youve probably just shrunk them all in the washing machine :shock: What you need it to put them on an expansion cycle and theyll fit again in no time :lol:
Quote by Clare_Lincs
Typical bloke rolleyes lol
I bet youve probably just shrunk them all in the washing machine :shock: What you need it to put them on an expansion cycle and theyll fit again in no time :lol:

Halfords sell a good expansion cycle - with 27 speed shimano gears, front and back suspension, twin disc brakes and a free water bottle thrown in too! :lol:
Hmm maybe next time buy your trousers from a shop that sell adjustable waistlines. Or failing that bung your own in with good knicker I spose you'll be needing knicker donations now? wink
:therethere: sarge, don't panic!
i seem to have the other fairy, the one who ads 2 inches to my waistbands so they're dangling round my arse ((( i know, what a git eh! ;) )))
i'll snip out all me spare 2 inches, and post 'em off. bit of sewing, jobs a good 'un. yer trousers might end up looking a bit like scarecrow out of Wizard of Oz, but easily covered with an overlarge jumper!
so helpful me eh? ;)
neil x x x :P
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Right who did it?? :eeek: :eeek: :eeek:
Don't look at me all innocent-like. Someone did it and I aim to get to the bottom of it :shock: :shock: :shock:
Someone has sneaked into my wardrobe and taken an inch off the waist of all my trousers!!
It was done sometime over the Christmas Period because they all fitted fine before then.
Has anyone else been a casualty of the Phantom Trouser Waist Decliner???? confused :? :? :?

I'm fessin up. It's in a real safe place though and serving a very good purpose rolleyes
You may be suffering but in that suffering know that you are 'supporting' someone.
Kind thoughts and I'll return the inch back in fine working order.
Cathy x
Just admit it SARGE
and you have been doing to much of this over Christmas
I think a few aerobics wouldn't go a miss
Now it's up to you to decide Sarg.....what is easier Exercising or shopping for more trousers?
Quote by da69ve
Now it's up to you to decide Sarg.....what is easier Exercising or shopping for more trousers?

depends if the missus insists on going with ya to ensure a tasteful purchase surely? gimme a marathon on a running machine every time! bolt
n x x x :P
Sarge, Sarge
I have some nice multi coloured leggings you can borrow while you have water retention round your waist affecting your size smile
Otherwise we could maybe stick pins in you and see if you burst.
Or we could make you go and sort out the GFZ so its got more than a jacuzzi in its so there are more things to play with.
Or you could go to the toilet and see if that helps.
Or you could just ban me hahahahahahahaha
Love Corriexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx