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Who do you think you are?

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On the theme of the newly started series of this fascinating subject.
Who would you love to have as a newly discovered ancestor?
Or do you have a famous, or better still infamous, person paddling in your gene pool?
I would love to find Darwin and an Archbishop of Canterbury in my history - it would make me smile anyway. biggrin
anyone unfeasibly rich in their dotage and with no other relatives and a heart condition (non-hereditary)
Quote by Silk and Big G
anyone unfeasibly rich in their dotage and with no other relatives and a heart condition (non-hereditary)

You and me both. :thumbup:
I would hope to be a distant cousin of Marx (Karl not Groucho)but I suspect I'm descended from a long line of chicken thieves and congenital idiots
Gosh... someone desperately literary like Jane Austen would be cool. Or someone massively influential.
My niece is currently researching our family tree. So far all solidly working class Irish immigrants... we are dying for the odd 'skeleton' but thus far zilch!
Fascinating stuff to read though. Just have to have patience to dig it all up.
Quote by Silk and Big G
<<<<hums the theme from Deliverance

OMG :shock: you know my family then?!
Bertrand Russel
Poet Laureate and a murderer.
P'raps that's why I write shit poems and kill threads. dunno
Some kind of music hall performer would be fantastic lol
I was delighted to discover that my grt grt grandad was a professional clog dancer. Everybody else shovelled shit amd died young from poverty or war.
I would like Marx (Groucho not Karl heheh) or Eric Morecambe or Les Dawson.
Or perhaps Dawin or Kropotkin.
But like so many I know that at least part of my ancestory is from Ireland so perhaps the best I can hope for is to find Joyce.
I wish Sir Billy Nic was my grandad!
i think my ancestors would be the rubenesque birds in the paintings of old
that would explain why i lounge around all wobbly and nekkid so much :eeek:
Id have anyone as an ancestor as long as they did something worth while with there lives no matter how small or large. cool
Who do I think I am??
I know who I am.......
but I would like to be......
a better person!!!!