Im trying to find out but from the lack of responcse from the railtrack website I can only assume that half the population are doing the same.
Leeds is snowy.
Im off to work now, have just let the roads clear a bit first.
To be snowed in, sounds lovely!
In edit, the snows coming down thick and fast again here in Leeds, staying in now, work will have to wait!
well we are not snowed in, but alot of teachers must be as the local school is closed!!
i set off for work but then got fone call to say its closed, took ages to get back home !!
life is just soooooooooooo unfair i love snow i mean peoper love it get desperate each year for a good foot or 2 of snow and when the country finally gets a decent covering wat does we get in northants???
less than a bloody inch :cry:
snow is like sex you never know how many inch's your going to get or how long it will last! lol
Got as far as Penrith on my way to Newcastle only to learn that the roads over the pennines are closed, so i'm back in Cheshire now and snug with the heating on and loads of coffee
ermmmm yes and I know what you mean lol
oooo btw, i never did mention we do have LOADS of snow, jus not snowed in as didnt have anything to do today anyway lol
well just made it to an inch here ffs would love more got everythin crossed it keeps snowin all night now
Why is it that when we have major snow in the North we just get on with it,carry on and get a fleeting mention on the news (same for the floods)but when it snows in London or rain a little heavy anywhere south of Birmingham its the news headline and a major event and oh how they cant cope....... guess it just proves the point about southern softies!!!!!
We could get 6 ft here and still we would battle on, walk to work and do it smiling yet 6 inches in the south and the whole thing comes to a stop!!!!
we not snowed in but we r in prague at the minute we had snow at the weekend but u know that here nothing comes to a standstill when its snows so how come the uk does