guess who is typing this with a finger wrapped up, having had 4 stiches in it, after shutting the land rover door on it this afternoon.
yep ME
So please feel free to laugh at my expense while i lirk here in pain
Quote by bumpkin
So you haven`t told your Landy that you love recently then!!!!They have feelings too you know!! :therethere: My Disco has had a new driver`s side door handle for Xmas :thrilled: :thrilled: -------- make sure you get yours something before she bites you again
Quote by bumpkin
So you haven`t told your Landy that you love recently then!!!!They have feelings too you know!! :therethere: My Disco has had a new driver`s side door handle for Xmas :thrilled: :thrilled: -------- make sure you get yours something before she bites you again
Quote by Phoenix
Hardy har....
or should that be, dah dit dah
P.S. Done similar myself, but it was dropping a TL922 on my little finer.... Ouch.
Quote by Scandal
Fookin Hell!! Do you folks spend your weekends goin round slammin car doors or summat?:? :?
Quote by sparky230
Rubber off the disintregating door seal?
Quote by sparky230
guess who is typing this with a finger wrapped up, having had 4 stiches in it, after shutting the land rover door on it this afternoon.
yep ME
So please feel free to laugh at my expense while i lirk here in pain