You have to choose one to sleep with - who are you going to pick???
Round 2
Susan Boyle
Angela Merkel
If anyone has a good candidate or candidates feel free to PM me ;)
(a pic must be on the internet and in the public domain)
I'm going for balding rock guy as you can't beat a good bit of guitar hero, although I might let him win as I don't think he's the sort of chap you'd want to piss off! :lol2:
Imagine being so in fear of your own penis that you can only control it at gunpoint.
I too would have to choose rockband psycho guy.
The reason for my choice is that his face reminds me of the alien from the predator movies. If he is in fact a relative of predator (and with a lot of hope and imagination on my part), he may turn invisible during the act and I could in fact be getting shagged by the entity (you may not all agree, but that's a proper horny film in my humble opinion).
I've always found Angela Merkel quite a turn on.
Before I answer..........In the photos, are they requesting the size of cock?
No they are telling you how big mine is ;)
Now I need a new joke for the results post............ damn you Dave! :haha: