Id love to tell my sister, not because she's a prude or anything, but because she would never think it of me :giggle:
I'd like to tell my mum. I never will but I'd like to be able to. :smile:
Your Mum is like everyone elses mum and she would understand your wishes cos she is your mum and she loves you.
She would flip her lid only for a short while Dawnie, probably the same as you would If your children told you something that shocked you, but then you would realise that they are growing up and leading their own lives and no matter which paths they take or what choices they make you will always love them Unconditionally .
Silk would like to tell Jason Statham, preferably after a few drinks in a hotel bar
Mmmaybe would be terrified to tell either of her parents anythign she gets up to. They'd probably be way too interested and start offering (or asking for) advice!! Shudder!
I would like to tell Mr Bone :giggle:
My closest friend in the world is a girl I work with; she knows more about me than my other half and I probably know more about her than her husband. I'd love to tell her about my this because I know that she and her husband have met girls for threesomes but I just can't get myself to do it.
My thoughts exactly (bit dim about these famous people, me). Trusty Wikipedia tells nice but... nah.
Can't think of anyone really. Both daughters know, all my mates know, I haven't have anything to do with my parents for 34 years. My brother knows.
Hmm, I don't have a partner so that leaves the dog and he's not bothered either way... except when he has to go in his cage when I go out for a meet or a munch.
I suppose I could always phone a stranger and tell them. :twisted:
I just wish it was acceptable to discuss it like you would discuss going fishing or playing golf. It's something I do, it's fun and it is a whole separate set of experiences (not by any means all sexual) that I have to filter out of conversations with just about anyone.
And since my memory seems to be going - one day I'm going to forget NOT to talk about it and out myself good and proper.
it would be my mum.
but i sent her a dirty text by mistake once so i explained and told her.
Im still called a dirty beast!
Everybody I care about knows. I'm not ashamed of anything I do and if anybody else asked Id be honest. I think I treat it like the specifics of intimate liaisons, some thing just aren't anybody s business but my own and I don't do what I do to shock or impress.
My mum and two of my good friends know already.
I would love to tell another friend but if her husband finds out he will not understand at all. So we have decided not to tell her as she shares everything with him and rightly so, this I feel would put her into a dilemma so I save her from that. We have all been friends sinse childhood and ones we wouldnt want to lose.
My mum and my brother and sister in law knows but I would never tell my dad.
Oh the horror of what he'd think of me. It just doesn't bare thinking about.
My mum even knows when I go on a meet cos I've got to phone her to let her know I'm alright. Now if that's not love I don't know what is.
LOL Vamps
Kent's newsagent, partly cos I'm a twat and partly cos if we're lucky he'll be so disgusted he'll refuse to sell him any more fucking Sun newspapers! :twisted: