As one who generally can't control the urge to tap out the first thing that comes into my head - I am an inveterate Hi-jacker. You'll see from my signature that I do not consider hijacking to be an offence - in fact I invite it because I think giving people the freedom to ramble wherever the mood takes 'em is really good fun (unless it becomes limited to say just two people exchanging in hijack mode - PMs are better for that).
However I can fully understand, how that may not be the attitude others might take and that it is, I think, frowned on in the site (although I couldn't find any reference to it in the AUP).
So I'd like to debate the scenarios when and when not people think a hi-jack is acceptable (Mark I'm PMing you on this so you can stop it if it offends greatly - it's not intended to challenge the management of the site tho').
My view is the threads that should not be hi-jacked are those in which people have made a serious enquiry seeking information or views (Ahem SO THIS ONE IS NOT HI-JACKABLE OK!) but the rest are fair game.
What do you think :