i know its rude to ask a ladies age, but how old are you? are you the oldest ladies who uses is site? and do you still swing or go dogging? id love to know
your right it is rude to ask a lady her age but one thing i have learned since joining this site is that age is no barrier to enjoying your self.
i will be 48 in a few months and have been made to feel more than welcome by all the people on here
i know you wanted to know about the ladies on here but i asume it works the same for both sexes and all us oldies out there still like to have some fun
I don't think there are any ladies on this site at all :grin:
But as I'm not a lady, I don't count :haha:
OI girlies, leave my chest out of this :giggle:
Dawn :silly:
Well I'm a young strip of a lad.......Whassat? Oh ladies!
Come to think of it I'm an old geezer (Ijust couldn't bring myself to type 'old fart') as well!
42 here, feeling fantastic and don't give a toss what anyone else thinks
both 46 here and only just started swinging,
a lot to pack in before we croak.
steve i could not agree more there are ladies of all ages and from all over the place on this site and all of them are absolutley wonderful
dont think i am the oldest.. i am 24... but i feel like i have been living for ever (if that counts!) lol
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
33 here and having fun!!!!
Love, hugs and kisses
Mrs davej has kept her age a closely guarded secret and I have always had her down for being in roughly the same age bracket as me, however some things she does lately do make me wonder.
Recent developments are, standing in the isle at Tesco to talk to a friend with a complete lack of awareness that other people are trying to get past. Walking down the street, the awareness problems persist, as folk walking faster and about to make an overtaking manoeuvre, are suddenly baulked as mrs davej puts the brakes on to look into the windows of charity shops and Bon Marche, or to bend down and stroke small dogs.
Modern day life has started to get confusing and it isn’t unusual to be walking up the high street and see her search frantically in her bag for her mobile phone when someone else uses a Pelican crossing. Keying in pin numbers at an ATM machine, generally bring a final warning up on the screen and thus far this year, we have had to make two applications to have the card returned.
I recently returned home to find a hideous plastic thing on the draining board that is designed to stand plates and other crockery in, which she had complimented with the purchase of a new set of crockery in 'Willow Pattern'
Despite mrs davej doing no cooking of any description (its the way we live) she has started to collect empty Quality Street tins for putting cakes in and a recent visit to our local Matalan, saw her return in triumphant mood with a full set of eight Plastic storage pots that all fit snugly inside each other, apparently they "may come in handy"
The appearance in the biscuit tin lately of Garibaldi's and Rich Tea, have further concerned me as has her habit of bathing by 6pm and then sitting on the sofa in a waffle pattern dressing gown, with her hands clasped together across her stomach, whilst she gently strokes her stomach with her thumbs and grins at the television.
Adverts for Wurthers Originals and baths with doors in, seem to hold her attention yet programmes that have an hours or more duration induce gentle sleep. This sleeping is not done as it was years ago, by stretching out on the sofa, but is done in the same position that is used to watch the television, the only difference being that her head slumps forward and her glasses slide a little further down her nose. Her hands remain clasped across the stomach.
The arrival in the stores of the latest Argos catalogue is now an event that is eagerly looked forward to and the pages that show the Lladro figurines on, seem to get lingered over for far too long.
I have to admit that I have grown older with her and we can now talk about how damaging Greenfly can be, along with how modern washing powders don’t get things as white as they used to, however thus far I am steadfastly refusing to discuss the benefits of purchasing a small padded stool to kneel on whilst weeding the garden.
I suspect but hope that I am wrong, that Antimacassars for the three piece suite may be the next step.