Why oh why oh why oh why oh why am I totally bald!
Cos you aint got no folicles to play with...?
Cos like a heinz baked bean - you're folliclly challenged!!
I'm not guessing till I know what the prize is. Is it twine related? If so I might be willing to have a guess.
I seem to remember reading somewhere that men that go bald have a higher percentage or testerone and that it kills the ahir fokicles or something like that!!
Anyway top and bottom of it is baldness tends to happen to men with high sex drives.
So that is the fault
I believe what I saw on a t-shirt.. it is the solar panel for the sex machine...
Spoken by someone with a full head of long hair, and lots of male relatives with almost none, scary looking at the brush...
Because you touch yourself at night and when you poo,it's pure concentrated evil coming out of the back of you