Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Mine is derived from the focal points in my life that have led me to how I am today and my belief system has been developed accordingly. I can't say how I would have turned out if I hadn't been given a clip or two as a youngster because I was clipped - regularly - and the argument is hypothetical because I can't say what the result would have been.
It would be foolish to suggest that everyone who hasn't been smacked as a child will turn out to be a monster nor is it fair to say that everyone who had been smacked would be an angel such is humanity's diversity.
It does appear however that there are a myriad of circumstances that are ALL being brought to bear on youngsters these days that is making them uncontrollable. No, of course not every child who has played arcade games is going to turn into a crazed gunman but personally I wouldn't let my child have access to such material for the single reason that it serves no purpose educationally to do so, and before anyone suggests that I wouldn't allow her other things for the same reason I am talking specifically about violent arcade games.
Where I live there is a distinct lack of respect for other people's property, lives and health. I know it exists elsewhere but I don't live elsewhere - I live here and this is what I've seen. We've all been teenagers and we all thought at the time that we had a right to be angry over some point or another but I've never used a knife in an attack nor smashed someone's head in for no reason - there has to be a reason for the escalation in violence and the intensity in which it is perpetrated. Blood points within the gang maybe?